SEO Extension

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Update failed

"SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 Cannot add a NOT NULL column with default value NULL (SQL: alter table "users" add column "primary_usergroup" integer not null)" on line 624 of [...]\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Database\Connection.php

I have already added a few test users and am using SQLite3. It looks like the primary_usergroup for these existing users is going to be NULL which is prohibited. Is there away around this , i.e. default the value to something benign?

Last updated


Same problem here. I got this error when I try to install some plugins in the october cms backoffice and I'm using SQLite.

Never had the problem with MySQL

So my question : Is october stable enought in an sqlite configuration ? Or mysql is required for production websites ?


Hi. It's related to SQLite, not OctoberCMS specifically. NOT NULL columns cannot be added to tables. When you try to install a plugin, you can go to the /updates directory of the plugin that failed, and then look in each file where a column is added... Add a default value or set as ->nullable() (dirty solution, you'll hope that the plugin do some validation before filling its table).

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