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Inject SEO fields to CMS Pages, Static Pages and Blog.

This plugin add SEO fields to CMS Pages, Static Pages and Blog, and for using it you simply need to drop component on layout/page.

currently included meta fields:

  • Meta Title
  • Meta Description
  • Meta Keywords
  • Canonical URL
  • Meta Redirect to other URL
  • Robot Index & Follow

currently included Open Graph(og) fields:

  • og:site_name
  • og:title
  • og:url
  • og:description
  • fb:app_id

*more fields will be added on request


  • New Open Graph(og) Tags added for better sharing on social networking sites like Facebook.
  • New Settings added in backend to configure meta and Open Graph tags.


  • Add more fields on request.
  • Integration of SEO optimizer to optimize page(if possible).

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Backend settings for SEO Extension

To install this plugin you have to click on add to project or need to type AnandPatel.SeoExtension in Backend System > updates > intall plugin

The plugin currently includes three components:

  • SEO CMS Page
  • SEO Blog Post
  • SEO Static Page

Drop this component in layout`s head section

code of layout look like this

            {% component 'SeoCmsPage' %}
           {% page %}
SEO Blog Post

Drop this component on CMS Page on which you have dropped blogPost Component(i.e you want to show blog post).

pass parameter data = post

here is code of CMS page for Blog Post Page.

    {% component 'blogPost' %}
    {% component 'SeoBlogPost' data=post %}

for using this component you must place SeoCMSPage component on layout.

SEO Static Page

Drop this component on Static Pages layout`s head section

code of static page layout look like this

            {% component 'SeoStaticPage' %}
            {% component 'staticMenu' %}
            {% component 'staticBreadcrumbs' %}
            {% page %}


To configure this Plugin goto Backend System then find My Settings in left side bar, then click on SEO Extension , you will get Configuration options.(refer screenshots)

  • Found the plugin not useful on 11 Jan, 2019

    This plugin threw a 500 server error on several pages as it is no longer compatible with the current version of OctoberCMS. I have re-released this plugin as Power SEO with several bug fixes and the latest changes from the git repo. See the migration guide here

  • Found the plugin not useful on 5 Jan, 2019

    It does not work unless you render all your meta in "meta" placeholder, but the documentation says nothing about this feature. Also, generateOgTags throws exception when you try to render meta for blog:

    An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Undefined property: AnandPatel\SeoExtension\classes\Helper::$page").

  • Found the plugin useful on 31 Dec, 2018

    I have managed to adapt this plugin to the comments section in a different html5 template that I have migrated to October CMS. With a little bit of puzzling to have the jquery events set right it worked very well.

    One very nice to have feature for the next version of this plugin is to add the website URL of the visitor who is commenting. Often I notice that this is an extra that helps people to comment and to have a clickable URL of their own website.

    And another nice to have feature is a registration of the IP address of the visitor who is commenting.

    I managed to convert all my Wordpress comments, but I wouldn't like it to lose the URL's entered by visitors.

  • Found the plugin useful on 9 Nov, 2018


  • Found the plugin useful on 29 Oct, 2018

    This is a very useful plugin and allows for the necessary fields to be added to content pages.

    One small issue that could be addressed in a future update is the permissions in the October CMS Backend. Because there aren't any permissions specified, any logged in user can make changes to the SEO configuration in the settings. Ideally, it would be configurable like most plugins, so that permissions can be specified for specific users, groups, etc.

  • Found the plugin useful on 15 Apr, 2018

    Good plugin to promote web page, It is a pity that there is no statistics Included

  • Found the plugin useful on 21 Sep, 2017

    Useful plugin. Is there a way to add support for images for both cms and static pages? Need to put in for og:image

  • Found the plugin useful on 30 Mar, 2016

    An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Undefined property: AnandPatel\SeoExtension\classes\Helper::$page"). /home/iocarein/public_html/blog/plugins/anandpatel/seoextension/components/blogpost/default.htm line 33

  • Found the plugin useful on 16 Feb, 2016

    Great plugin! But, it has a bug... When I install SEO before BLOG, it gives me an error, due to not having certain fields at "rainlab_blog_post" or something

  • Found the plugin useful on 12 Mar, 2015

    Great plugin! Thanks for all the hard work! :)


Fix issue of SEO Settings Errors

Aug 09, 2016


Add Turkish, Russian, cs_CZ locale

Aug 09, 2016


code clean up and change path naming in settings model

Nov 05, 2014


Backend Settings added to configure meta tags & Open Graph tags added

Nov 04, 2014


bug fixes

Oct 20, 2014


First version of Seo Extension

Oct 14, 2014