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Power SEO an OctoberCMS Plugin

Supports RainLab.Blog, RainLab.StaticPage and Standard CMS Pages

Inject SEO fields to CMS Pages, Static Pages and Blog.

This plugin adds SEO fields to CMS Pages, Static Pages and Blog, and for using it you simply need to drop the component on layout/page.

Current fields:

  • Meta Title
  • Meta Description
  • Meta Keywords
  • Canonical URL
  • Meta Redirect to other URL
  • Robot Index & Follow

*for more fields, please open an issue and request this on the git repository


  • Open Graph Tags added for better social sharing. Includes preview images for blog featured images.
  • Configure meta and Open Graph tags in the backend

Future Development

  • Integration of SEO optimizer to optimize pages

Migration from AnandPatel.SeoExtension

Please note that this plugin was originally created by AnandPatel, however after 2 years of no support and many issues with the plugin, we have taken over the plugin development and maintain it under a new repository. This new version fixes the server errors in the old plugin.

  1. Backup Blog Posts - The fields added by AnandPatel.SeoExtension are renamed and prefixed with powerseo_ in the migrations, which might fail on some servers if the right extensions aren't installed.
  2. Install SureSoftware.PowerSEO
  3. Remove AnandPatel.SeoExtension

As all the syntax for the components are same for the AnandPatel.SeoExtension, to upgrade you only need to remove the AnandPatel.SeoExtension plugin and add SureSoftware.PowerSEO. All settings and component parameters should be migrated across.

Like this plugin?

If you like this plugin, please give it a star on GitHub


To install this plugin you have to click on add to project or need to type SureSoftware.PowerSEO in Backend System > updates > install plugin

The plugin currently includes three components:

  • SEO CMS Page
  • SEO Blog Post
  • SEO Static Page


Put the component in the CMS Layout

            {% component 'SeoCmsPage' %}
           {% page %}

SEO Blog Post

Put the component in the page with the blogPost component and pass the post as a parameter

    {% component 'blogPost' %}
    {% component 'SeoBlogPost' data=post %}

You must place also SeoCMSPage component on layout

SEO Static Page

Put the component in the head of the Static Pages Layout

            {% component 'SeoStaticPage' %}
            {% component 'staticMenu' %}
            {% component 'staticBreadcrumbs' %}
            {% page %}


To configure this Plugin goto Backend System then find My Settings in left side bar, then click on SEO Extension

  • Found the plugin useful on 21 Jun, 2022

    {% component 'SeoBlogPost' data=post %} not work in post(

  • Found the plugin useful on 1 Mar, 2021

    Thanks for nice plugin, but i have 1 problem, my url like domain.com/category/category-name doesn't show title

  • Found the plugin useful on 14 Nov, 2019

    A really simple and good SEO plugin! Easy to install and configure. Thanks to the developer.

  • Found the plugin useful on 5 Apr, 2019

    Nice plugin and really appreciate the responsiveness of the developers to issues raised on the Github repo.

    Easy way to add the basics needed for optimisation, I'm hopeful that it will continue to develop functionality over time!

  • Found the plugin useful on 28 Mar, 2019

    Same issue as Andriy any news?

  • author

    Replied on 19 Feb, 2020

    Yes, its all fixed now

  • Found the plugin useful on 6 Feb, 2019

    Great plugin.

    One issue though.

    When I'm using Rainlab.StaticPages and a repeater field

    {repeater name="services" prompt="Add new benefit" tab="Services"}
        {variable type="text" name="headline" label="Headline"}{/variable}
        {variable type="staticpagepicker" name="page" label="Service Page" emptyOption="- No Page -"}{/variable}
        {variable type="richeditor" name="description" label="Description"}{/variable}

    in the backend the SEO fields are being added to a repeater form. It's not supposed to happen I guess

  • author

    Replied on 19 Feb, 2020

    This has been fixed now! If you update to the latest version it will no longer be added to the repeater form


Fixes bug with fields repeating in Rainlab.Pages repeatable sections

Feb 12, 2020


Added feature to show the blog "Featured Image" on social media (using og tags)

Feb 10, 2020


Fixed bug the TranslatableModel check not working for default locale URLs

Dec 14, 2019


Fixed bug with fields showing up in the static pages repeater

Jun 14, 2019


Fixed bug in blogPost robots not populating

Mar 20, 2019


Fixed issue with fresh install on non-migrated sites

Jan 14, 2019


Prefixed SEO column names to ensure uniqueness and prevent plugin conflicts

Jan 11, 2019


Changed plugin to PowerSEO, fixed server errors and included latest changes

Jan 10, 2019


Fix issue of SEO Settings Errors

Jan 10, 2019


Add Turkish, Russian, cs_CZ locale

Jan 10, 2019


Code clean up and change path naming in settings model

Jan 10, 2019


Backend Settings added to configure meta tags & Open Graph tags added

Jan 10, 2019


Bug fixes

Jan 10, 2019


First version of Seo Extension

Jan 10, 2019

From AnandPatel.SeoExtension to SureSoftware.PowerSEO

  1. Install SureSoftware.PowerSEO
  2. Uninstall AnandPatel.SeoExtension

As the syntax is the same (currently) between the components, there is no changes required for this migration. It is important however to install SureSoftware.SEO before uninstalling AnandPatel.SeoExtension