SEO Extension

Provide SEO Extension to CMS Pages, Static Pages, Blog post with meta & open graph tags

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my settings not showing anywhere in backend. Currently no way to set up defaults etc. Has this been updated for RC? will it be?

UPDATE: Found them they have moved to under the avatar on top right ;)

Last updated

Anand Patel
Anand Patel

yes correct, its because of recent updates in OctoberCMS.


Thank you a lot for your plugin! Are you planning fix this bug?


Is there a way ton acces this my settings in the backend ? it has been a year since it's not accessible (regarding the date of this topic was created)

Thanks in advance for your time ;)


So, as the plugin is useless without having the settings in the backoffice. I decided to dive in the code to fix this one.

If anyone want to use this plugin he just has those lines in the following file :


Change those lines : at lines 41 :

public function registerSettings()
    return [
        'settings' => [
            'label'       => 'SEO Extension',
            'description' => 'Configure SEO Extension',
            'icon'        => 'icon-search',
            'context'     => 'mysettings',
            'category'    =>  SettingsManager::CATEGORY_MYSETTINGS,
            'class'       => 'AnandPatel\SeoExtension\Models\Settings',
            'order'       => 100


And replace by this :

 * @return array
public function registerPermissions()
    return [
        'anandpatel.seoextension.access_settings'   => [
            'label' => 'anandpatel.seoextension::lang.permissions.access_settings',
            'tab'   => ''

public function registerSettings()
    return [
        'settings' => [
            'label'       => 'SEO Extension',
            'description' => 'Configure SEO Extension',
            'category'    =>  SettingsManager::CATEGORY_CMS,
            'icon'        => 'icon-search',
            'class'       => 'AnandPatel\SeoExtension\Models\Settings',
            'order'       => 100,
            'permissions' => ['anandpatel.seoextension.access_settings']


And everything should work perfectly ! (the settings show in the section : Settings > CMS )

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