SEO Extension

Provide SEO Extension to CMS Pages, Static Pages, Blog post with meta & open graph tags

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Hi I have added the SEO Extension plugin and can see all fields within the page editor. I can enter and save data, and the plugin does add the content to the page, e.g.

title = "About Us" url = "/about-us" layout = "default" is_hidden = "0" meta_title = "Title here" meta_description = "Description here" seo_keywords = "keywords here" robot_index = "index" robot_follow = "follow"

However these do not show at all on the end pages.

Any ideas what might be up?




Did you add this {% component 'SeoCmsPage' %} to your loyout ?


Hi Codenator thanks so much for the speedy reply.

I did add that line in the section of my main layout file.

Do I need to call it separately in the individual pages also?

Thanks again


Hi, i got same kind of issue here. i added the SeoCMSPage component to the layout in the head section, then i added the SeBlogPost component in the post template, but nothing shows up.

Anything to check please ?

EDIT: actually the SEO fields showed up, but two times. the ones from the SEO plugin and the one from my layouts. How come ?

Last updated

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