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  • Added on Jul 11, 2019
  • Current version: 1.0.2
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by
  • Public repository


Show an overview of your site’s errors for the last 24 hours, 7 days and 30 days directly in your OctoberCMS dashboard. Be aware of new site errors the moment you log-in to your website.

Speed up the error identification and discovery process for your websites.

From the overview tool, click to dive deeper into the system logs and uncover the root causes of site errors. Use increased visibility to reduce the time sites are affected by errors and improve their overall performance.

A site less affected by errors is a site that spends more time generating leads and sales!


The simplest error view for your October CMS sites

This error log display widget is as simple and lightweight as possible. It’s focus is to do the job when you need it and stay out of your way when you don’t.

Need a more advanced error management tool?

Do you need to receive automated notifications for when errors reach a defined limit? Do you want to see detailed error logs for multiple sites in a single dashboard? Do you wish you had uptime and SSL monitoring for all your sites? Are there other advanced site monitoring features you wish you had to make your job easier?

Try 1Pilot.io with a 15 day free trial - a central dashboard to manage all your sites for just $2/site/month.

About us

This widget is brought to you by a team of hard-core Swiss developers from Inetis. We love coding and creating powerful apps for our clients. Tired of spending excess time maintaining our website roster, we built our own site monitoring and management platform - 1Pilot.

Our goal is to bring people and technology together using open source tech like OctoberCMS. Sharing 1Pilot with the world brings us closer to achieving our goal.

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If you’re enjoying this error log display widget, please rate it and leave a review, to help us simplify error management for more OctoberCMS fans.

Discover our main plugin that helps you manage all your OctoberCMS sites from a single dashboard


  1. Install this plugin from the market
  2. Add widget to your dashboard

Fix incompatibility with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

Jul 12, 2019


First version of Logs Widget

Jul 11, 2019