Product support

Visit this product's website for support.

  • Added on Oct 30, 2018
  • Current version: 1.2.3
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x use latest
    v2.x use latest
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by


1Pilot is an advanced monitoring and management platform for all your OctoberCMS sites. It’s designed as a central dashboard to drastically reduce the time you spend managing your entire website roster. This plug-in takes care of the connection between 1Pilot.io and your site. All you need to get started is a 1Pilot account.

Benefits of 1Pilot

  • Built for freelancers & agencies: Crafted specifically for people managing multiple websites. The more sites you have, the more time you save.
  • View every plugin across every site: Manage all your plugins and themes from a single location.
  • Remote plugin update/install: Change a plugin across unlimited sites, from a single location, with a single ZIP file, URL or GitHub repository.
  • Critical notification system: Receive an update to let you know if a plugin, server or other key item is altered on one of your sites.
  • Uptime monitoring: Know about downtime before your clients - then fix it.
  • SSL certificate reminders: Check the validity of every site’s SSL certificate - then receive reminders 10, 7, 4 and 1 days before they expire.
  • Private plugin updates: Connect your GitHub repositories for one-click updates to private OctoberCMS plugins. 1Pilot listens for new releases in your repository, builds the plugin (installing composer packages if needed) then makes the update available directly on your dashboard.
  • Server & configuration monitoring: Beware of any alterations to PHP/MySQL versions, or changes in the main configuration file.

Free 15-day full feature trial

Not convinced? Test out all the benefits of 1Pilot without any limitations or commitments for 15 days. Simply install this plug-in on your sites by following the installation instructions.

"Get your first site onboard in under 3 minutes! Start the 15-day full-feature trial

No set-up fees and no long-term contracts. Because confidence is sexy.


You can have 1Pilot running on your first site in under 5 minutes. Just follow the below instructions and launch!

  1. Create an account at 1pilot.io
  2. Install ‘1Pilot remote manager’ plugin on your website
  3. Once installed, go to ‘Settings > 1Pilot Settings’ and copy the private key
  4. Go to your 1Pilot Dashboard and click ‘Add New Site​’
  5. Fill out the required fields and paste the private key
  6. Start saving time and enjoy total control over your sites!

Current capability and future plans

1Pilot currently supports the OctoberCMS, plus the Laravel and Symfony frameworks. In the future, we’ll be adding additional CMS and frameworks to make it more useful, for more people. We’ll also add new features according to requests from the 1Pilot community, so get involved to help make it better! Check our new feature request board.


Have an issue? Get support by email directly from the development team. We’ll endeavour to work through any issues with you in a timely manner, so that you can get back to saving time and effort!

About us

1Pilot is brought to you by a team of hard-core Swiss developers from Inetis. We love coding and creating powerful apps for our clients. Tired of spending excess time maintaining our website roster, we built our own site monitoring and management platform.

Our goal is to bring people and technology together using open source tech like OctoberCMS. Sharing 1Pilot with the world brings us closer to achieving our goal.

Like this plugin?

If you’re enjoying the 1Pilot site-monitoring dashboard, please rate this plugin and leave a review, to help us get more Pilots onboard.


You can have 1Pilot running on your first site in under 3 minutes. Just follow the below instructions and launch!

  1. Create an account at 1pilot.io
  2. Install ‘1Pilot remote manager’ plugin on your website
  3. Once installed, go to ‘Settings > 1Pilot Settings’ and copy the private key
  4. Go to your 1Pilot Dashboard and click ‘Add New Site​’
  5. Fill out the required fields and paste the private key
  6. Start saving time and enjoy total control over your sites!
  • Found the plugin useful on 2 May, 2019

    If you have a web agency that builds websites in October and find that it costs you a lot of time to manually check and update every website then look no further! This truly is one of the most helpful plugin to have that saves so much time as you can update all of your websites in 1 click, get messages when there is downtime or when an new update is available. Not even to mention you can hook your private plugins (with git) and update them on all your domain in 1 click as well. Many thanks for offering this service!

  • Found the plugin useful on 4 Feb, 2019

    Great service! It's save me a lot of time for updating plugins on my OctoberCMS sites. I'm now more confident with the status of my websites and when something goes wrong, I get a notification.

    Perfect tool for agencies or freelancers having to manage websites.


Fix compatibility issue with October 3.6

Feb 27, 2024


Add October v3 support and Read logs from files instead of the DB

Jun 07, 2022


Fix update reporting issue with October 1.0

Mar 02, 2022


Add possibility to update October v2 (plugins & core) from 1Pilot

Oct 19, 2021


Avoid exception when plugins details can't be fetched from October CMS market

May 31, 2021


Add October v2 support, composer installation and possibility to disable update/install from 1Pilot

May 31, 2021


Fix compatibility issues with October 472

Apr 19, 2021


Add support of the new October version powered by Laravel 6

Jul 06, 2020


Improve management of plugins disabled & plugins with disabled updates

Feb 20, 2020


Improve remote install stability

Oct 17, 2019


Add Email Verification & Central Error Logs support

Mar 28, 2019


Migrate from CmsPilot

Oct 30, 2018


Response format improved

Oct 30, 2018


Display core changelog

Oct 30, 2018


Initialize plugin.

Oct 30, 2018