Job Portal
This plugin requires the Fytinnovations.Careers plugin
JobPortal plugin helps you to easily create your own job portal. With the help of the job portal plugin, you can allow users to post jobs and apply to them. You can monitor the process from the backend and track their statuses.
The plugin comes with notification settings so that the person who is responsible for the job portal never misses an application.
Easy Setup with no overhead configurations
- If you want to build your own job portal in no time you are in the right place.
Add Dynamics to your Job posts
- Easily add skills required, Department, No of positions open, and job description to a job post. Create categories, work schedule, and add a location to job posts.
Total Control with Handy Notifications
- It provides the admin with an Application dashboard to sort and view all the applications. It also allows you to turn on email notifications for an application received, for as many email addresses as you wish.
The plugin contains some configuration settings which you may find useful. If you wish to request some additional settings you can put a feature request
Application Notification via Mail
Enable this feature if you receive emails when a candidate applies for the job.
Recipient Email Addresses
Once you enable the above feature you need to add a list of emails to whom you would like to send the email.
The following plugins are required

Front-end user management.
Front-end user management.

Enables multi-lingual websites and translate website contents.
Enables multi-lingual websites and translate website contents.

Adds location based features, such as Country and State.
Adds location based features, such as Country and State.

Posting Job for your organization made simple.
Posting Job for your organization made simple.
Plugin Documentation
You can find the complete documentation of the plugin at
Job List
Displays a list of published jobs.
Property | Description | Default | Required |
detailsPage | Name of the job details page file for the full job display. This property is used by the default component partial. | job/details | Yes |
jobsPerPage | 5 | Yes | |
noJobsMessage | Message to display in the job list in case if there are no jobs. This property is used by the default component partial. | No jobs found | Yes |
Sample Usage
title = "Jobs" url = "jobs" layout = "default" description = "This page displays a list of jobs" [Fytinnovations\JobPortal\Components\JobList jobList] detailsPage = "jobdetails" jobsPerPage = 5 noJobsMessage = "No jobs found" == {% component 'jobList' %}
Job Details
Displays details of a job based on the passed in the slug.
Property | Description | Default | Required |
applicationSuccessMessage | Message to display when the user applies for the job | Thank you for applying for the job | Yes |
applicationSuccessRedirectPage | Page to redirect when the application is successful. | /jobs | Yes |
Sample Usage
title = "Job details" url = "job:job_slug" layout = "default" is_hidden = 0 [Fytinnovations\JobPortal\Components\JobDetails jobDetails] applicationSuccessMessage = "Thankyou for applying to the job post" applicationSuccessRedirectPage = "jobs" == {% component 'jobDetails' %}
Company Form
Displays a form through which user can create or update his company information
Property | Description | Default | Required |
redirect | Page name to redirect after creating the company | account/companies | No |
companyCreatedSuccessMessage | Message to be displayed when the company creation is successful | Company have been created. | Yes |
Sample Usage
title = "Create a Company" url = "accountcompanycreate" layout = "default" is_hidden = 0 [companyForm] redirect = "accountcompanies" == {% component 'companyForm' %}
Job Form
Displays a form through which an employer can post a job
Property | Description | Default | Required |
redirect | Page name to redirect to after posting the job | /account/my-posted-jobs | No |
accountPage | Page to redirect the user from where he can log in | /account | No |
companyFormPage | Page to redirect the user where he creates companies | /account/create-company | No |
jobPostedSuccessMessage | Message to be displayed when the job has been posted | You job has been posted. We will notify you once the job is published after admin approval | Yes |
Sample Usage
title = ""Post Job" url = "jobpost" layout = "default" is_hidden = 0 [jobForm] redirect = "accountposted-jobs" accountPage = "account" companyFormPage = "accountcreate-company" == {% component 'jobForm' %}
Companies Created List
Displays a list of companies created by the user
Property | Description | Default | Required |
createPage | The page to redirect when the employer wants to create a company. | job | No |
editPage | The page to redirect when the employer wants to edit a company. | job | No |
companyDeletedSuccessMessage | Company has been deleted | Company has been deleted. | Yes |
Sample Usage
title = "My Companies" url = "accountcompanies" layout = "default" is_hidden = 0 [companiesCreatedList] createPage = "accountcreate-company" editPage = "accountedit-company" == {% component 'companiesCreatedList' %}
Jobs Applied List
Displays a list of jobs applied by the user.
Property | Description | Default | Required |
details page | Name of the job details page file for the full job display. This property is used by the default component partial. | job | No |
noApplicationsMessage | Message to display when the user has not applied to any jobs. | You have not applied to any jobs | No |
Sample Usage
title = "My Applications" url = "accountapplications" layout = "default" is_hidden = 0 [jobsAppliedList] detailsPage = "jobdetails" == {% component 'jobsAppliedList' %}
Job Applications
Displays a list of applications for a job.
Property | Description | Default | Required |
applicationDetailsPage | The page to redirect where the user can view application details. | job | No |
Sample Usage
title = "Job applications" url = "job:job_idapplications" layout = "default" is_hidden = 0 [jobApplications] applicationDetailsPage = "applicationdetails" == {% component 'jobApplications' %}
Jobs Posted List
Displays a list of jobs posted by the user.
Property | Description | Default | Required |
editPage | The page to redirect when the employer wants to edit the job details. | job | No |
jobApplicationsPage | The page where the user can see which candidates applied to the job. | job | No |
noJobsMessage | Message to displayed when the employer has not posted any jobs. | You have not posted any jobs | No |
Sample Usage
title = "My Posted Jobs" url = "accountposted-jobs" layout = "default" [jobsPostedList] editPage = "jobedit" jobApplicationsPage = "jobapplications" noJobsMessage = "You have not posted any jobs" == {% component 'jobsPostedList' %}
Application Details
Displays details of a particular job application
Sample Usage
title = "Application Details" url = "application:application_idview" layout = "default" [applicationDetails] == {% component 'applicationDetails' %}
User Profile
Allow the user to upload and update his resume
Sample Usage
title = "Account" url = "account" layout = "default" [account] paramCode = "code" forceSecure = 0 requirePassword = 0 [userProfile] == {% component 'account' %} {% if user %} {% component 'userProfile' %} {% endif %}
This plugin has not been reviewed yet.
1.0.1 |
First version of JobPortal Dec 27, 2020 |