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I use database prefix "oct_"
protected function loadCategories()
$categories = BlogCategory::orderBy('name');
if (!$this->property('displayEmpty')) {
$categories->whereExists(function($query) {
->join('rainlab_blog_posts', '', '=', 'rainlab_blog_posts_categories.post_id')
->where('rainlab_blog_posts.published', '=', 1)
->whereRaw(' = rainlab_blog_posts_categories.category_id');
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column '' in 'where clause' (SQL: select * from `oct_rainlab_blog_categories` where exists (select 1 from `oct_rainlab_blog_posts_categories` inner join `oct_rainlab_blog_posts` on `oct_rainlab_blog_posts`.`id` = `oct_rainlab_blog_posts_categories`.`post_id` where `oct_rainlab_blog_posts`.`published` is not null and `oct_rainlab_blog_posts`.`published` = 1 and = rainlab_blog_posts_categories.category_id) order by `nest_left` asc, `name` asc)
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