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Is there any way to upload images from within the default wysiwyg editor (ie Redactor)?
I need a simple way for clients to upload images and then insert them into content.
Check out the file manager in my CKeditor plugin. :)
@Flynsarmy, yes for sure. Are you working on this? Is there some dev code up someplace I don't see? I'll have a pull request soon that allows users to override and add redactor settings and I don't want to overlap any code (though my pull request is super simple).
@Shahiem, I saw that... but I would prefer to use redactor.
My pull request for custom redactor settings: . This would make creating custom image processors easy, or have the image upload php stuff in a plugin instead of core.
Daftspunk is working on it. I'm not sure where the specific commits are. You'd have to check the log.
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