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I'm trying to understand October, and the things I do understand I love, but some, like plugins, I'm having a really hard time wrapping my head around. Is anyone working on tutorials perhaps? Something that speaks to me as a layman?
Well, how to create a user and login plugin (or extend the existing one) to include different levels perhaps?
It would help us both if you share input here: -- I am certainly looking for specific tutorial requests.
Sorry for my English. But it could be creating a tutorial that contains:
- Registration of persons
- Each person has a "panel" in which they can change passwords or configuration
- And they can use some service (eg ToDoList)
- Or they can administer other users (Company with registered staff) cadastram lists for staff
But in October's Facebook page.
They showed this theme + plugin:
I am studying the code, and so far, it helped a lot.
Not exactly in the creation of plugins (but to understand how to create "applications" using october)
Last updated
From a new October user perspective it is all a mess, the problem is that documentation is way too brief, lacking examples and way too recursive (in documentation you are reading from a subject you don't understand/know and then you are referred to another topic you don't understand/know too and then again you're referred again and so on).
Documentation needs structured samples from the ground up
Note there is now a Resources section where you can find tutorials and screencasts.
Last updated
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