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I'm trying to reference a variable inside a Component class from an Ajax call. I would like to pass it back to a partial.
$this->page['variable'] = $this->mVariable;
The second $this seems to be the problem. Is it not possible to reference variables inside a Component class from Ajax calls?
I would like to retrieve and modify a variable through different and independent ajax calls
I'm working on a component which holds some data.
class Tariff extends ComponentBase
public $mData;
I would like to modify this data via ajax calls and return it back to a partial for example.
public onModifyData()
$data = post('data');
$this->mData['category_a'] = $data;
And retrieve it afterwards through a different ajax call:
public onRetrieveData()
$category = post('category');
$this->page['dataForCategory'] = $this->mData[$category];
<a href="#" data-request="onRetrieveData" data-request-data="category: 'category_a'" data-request-update="'{{ __SELF__ }}::_modal': '#modal_content'" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modal">Show modal</a>
The problem is - it seems that I can't reference $this->mData in ajax calls as it doesn't return any data to the partials. I have lots of modal views to modify my data and I don't want to render all of them at once (at the beginning) as it slows down the site a lot. So I would like to render them only if I need them. Therefore I need to read some data (specific to the modal view) from the overall data - pass it to the view - modify it - send it back via ajax to the $this->mData
But it doesn't work the way I think it would
Last updated
Is the data being set? can you dd() the values in both the ajax requests? How are you rendering the modal? You can return a rendered partial and pass it variables in an array as push
I set the data in the public function onRun(){}
method. When I dd() there - the data is set.
Apparently I cannot dd() in the ajax functions, right? Nothing happens when I try to do that.
I'm able to render partials and also pass data to them like explained in that link. But the problem still is that I cannot get any data from the variable stored in $this->mData in die Component class
It seems that I don't have the same context when calling methods via ajax.
Any other idea how to work with data across multiple and different ajax calls?
I know, this is ancient - having a similar issue though and grasping straws. Did you find a solution @eddyloewen?
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