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I've been stuck at this for about two days now. I'm currently writing a plugin, following the docs as closely as possible. However... When I tried to open my create/update pages, I get the error:
"Form behavior has not been initialized, check that you have called initForm() in your controller."
I have included Backend.Behaviors.FormController in the controller. I have also included the formConfig variable. I have a correctly formatted yaml file and a create.htm similar to the one in the docs. I tried everything. Followed the instructions from the docs exactly, but still getting the error. What could I be doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
Last updated
Try this in your controller:
public function index()
Tried that, results in this error:
Call to undefined method Backend\Behaviors\FormController::index()
Controller code:
Form config yaml:
Fields yaml (not complete yet):
Last updated
Tried actually calling this in your controller like the error message suggests?
$this-> initForm();
Found the culprit. Apparently, Sublime text was automatically adding 'tabs' to my yaml files when I jumped to a new line, thus causing a corrupt file. The formRender method simply couldn't read the yaml file and threw an error, because it wasn't receiving anything from the model and therefore thought initForm hadn't been called.
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