
Display and manage Isotope galleries!

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Hi, thanks for the great plugin!

I'm a newbie with october cms and I have some difficulties to understanding certain features. I would like to put a specific gallery on a page but all I can do is insert the isogallery component and its galleries.

How could I do this?

Thanks in advanced!


Hi Euca! Thanks for using our plugin. IsoGallery was created with an overview of all galleries in mind, so it doesn't exactly do what you want it to do.

We've not worked on this plugin for a while and weren't planning on it, but if you can describe how you want it to behave, maybe I can find some time to work on this in the near future.

From a development POV I can see this working in one of two ways: You link to the gallery with a detail page, like: /galleries/:id or more SEO friendly /galleries/:slug, or you can link a specific gallery to a page by selecting a gallery from the component-settings in the CMS section of OctoberCMS.

Both options are possible, but further testing will be needed so we don't break any functionality of the existing plugin when it's already installed. Can you open a support ticket over at GitHub, so we can work out the kinks over there? It's an interesting feature, that might be added in the near future.

Last updated

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