Product support

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Want something added/Something is broken? Let me know on github! Please use the IsoGallery support-forum on OctoberCMS.com for use case related questions only.

IsoGallery is gallery plugin that combines Isotope and strip.js to provide filterable galleries.


Install by adding this plugin to your project either at http://octobercms.com/plugins or in the /updates/install plugins section of your OctoberCMS Backend.


  • jQuery >= 1.11.3 (might work with previous versions, not tested)


Just inject the component into your webpage and you are good to go.



IsoGallery uses a default layout (greenish) which injects CSS through the controller. If you don't want this, you can uncheck this option in the component settings.

Javascript Filtering

IsoGallery filters galleries through a JS function that is injected through the controller. If you want to use your own function, you can uncheck this option in the component settings.


IsoGallery uses strip.js for the lightbox functionality. If you already have strip implemented on your website, of if you want to use a different Lightbox plugin you can uncheck this option in the component settings.


IsoGallery filters and places the galleries with Isotope. If you already have Isotope implemented on your website, you can uncheck this option in the component settings.

Filterable Galleries! (front-end)


As of 1.0.2 the validation on the categories relation has been removed. This is due to a bug in the core of october. Preferred choice of action is to create a gallery WITHOUT categories, and then UPDATE said gallery to prevent any weird errors.

Critical Bugs / Errors

If you encounter any critical errors during usage, please let me know as soon as possible! I'll try to respond within the day. Let me know on the forums or on github.


IsoGallery Component

The IsoGallery Component is the main (and currently only) component that this plugin uses. In this component the following variables are available:


Array with all categories that are created in the backend.

{{ categories }}
What's inside?

You can loop through the ```` variable with a loop````.

Variable name Description
category Array containing a single category
category.title String that contains the name of category
category.slug String that contains the slug of category


Array with all the galleries that are created in the backend.

{% for gallery in galleries %}
{% endfor %}
What's inside?

You can loop through the ```` variable with a loop````.

Variable name Description
gallery Object containing a single gallery
gallery.title String that contains the title of the gallery
gallery.url String that contains the url of the gallery
gallery.categories Object that contains the all the linked categories. See ```````` above for content for this object.
gallery.photos Object that contains the all the photos for this gallery. The standard filesystem photo attachments are used so corresponding variables are available (,, ````````).

Fixed permissions bug

Oct 01, 2015


Added Dutch as Back-end Language & Added Permissions

Oct 01, 2015


- Hotfix for October Core bug

Sep 10, 2015


First version of IsoGallery

Sep 02, 2015