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Sometimes you may need add items to October backend menus or to plugins. This may be accomplished by adding the following code to your plugin's boot method.

if (App::runningInBackend()) {
        BackendMenu::registerCallback(function ($manager) {
            //dd($manager); //uncomment to explore the current menu items
            $manager->addSideMenuItem('Author.Plugin', 'mainmenuitem', 'mysidemenuitem', [
                'label'       => 'My Side Menu Item',
                'icon'        => 'icon-puzzle-piece',
                'url'         => Backend::url('my/plugin/page'),
                'permissions' => ['my.plugin.access_page'],
                'order'         => 550

Of special note: While you can add items to the October.Cms sidemenu, they will not function properly as the sidemenu functionality of this page is modified by october.sidepaneltab.js.

Last updated


Here is another approach to adding side menu items to a plugin:

# Plugin.php

public function boot()
    // Extend the navigation
    Event::listen('', function($manager) {
       $manager->addSideMenuItems('Author.Plugin', 'mainmenuitem', [
            'mysidemenuitem' => [
                'label'       => 'My Side Menu Item',
                'icon'        => 'icon-puzzle-piece',
                'code'        => 'mysidemenuitem',
                'owner'       => 'Author.Plugin',
                'url'         => Backend::url('my/plugin/page'),

Last updated

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