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So yea that seem to me like very easy task (i migrate wordpress, magento and yii apps). But with october i have problems. So, i copy base and files to main server (from localhost). Change base name inside config->database.php, but nothing works.


What error do you have?


Why not just do fresh install on server and copy theme files over?


Hey dash, it's true, without an error message it is a bit hard to know the exact root cause of your problem. So bear with me on some assumptions here.

Make sure you are clearing the cache, it will contain absolute paths that do not match the new environment. Here are some options to consider:

  1. Run the artisan command php artisan cache:clear (shell access required)
  2. Delete everything in these folders: storage/framework/cache, storage/cms/cache, storage/cms/combiner, storage/cms/twig
  3. Omit uploading the files in the folders mentioned above.

I use git to deploy my entire project to the server. Here's a good lesson on how to do so -

Before I commit anything locally though, I make sure to use environment variables for sensitive information. Once, I get the files moved to the server I do these in sequence (in the project root):

  • Run 'composer install' (to get the composer dependencies)
  • Manually create a .env file with DB credentials and other things as needed
  • Run 'php artisan october:up' - this creates the database tables
  • Run 'sudo chmod -R 755 ./*' to setup required file permissions for October

And that's about it.. Hasn't failed me ever so far!


I copy pratyushpundir6424 by deploying the entire repo to the server and store environment specific information in a .env file. This is NOT committed to the repo as it would expose the db credentials if I ever made the repo public.

There is a decent guide to Deploy October from local to production. Creating a fresh DB on production is the easiest option but it also explains what to do if you need to move your local database onto the live server as well.


I am also having some issues with storage/cms/combiner does not exist in my production server, so I assume it is uploaded (I use git/github) to Cloudways. Do I simply just add storage/cms/combiner to .gitignore? Thanks in advance.

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