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Hi all,

I use the plugin and starting writing articles. Now I want to do more with SEO and internal linking is a part of the strategy.

Is there any way to link easily internal within a blogPost?

I can use the anchor to link, but when I change for example the slug I have to loop all posts to check if they have a link and than I have to change the link manually. It's not very handy. For example a modal/popup shows and where you can search through all the posts and just select a post to link, maybe by or something.

If somebody can help me with a solution I would really appreciate it.


Is there some sort of a describable relationship between the original post and the post you wish to link to? For example, you could have a "Related Posts" section on each individual post's page. This section would just look at the current post's category and pull some other posts from the same category to display the as related posts.

I have something like this working for a customer here -

You can see individual post pages have a "Related Posts" section below them. This can be done programmatically and you wont have to manually do it. I achieve this using a custom plugin. That plugin could also be written to allow for manually entering some posts if you so wish.



Thank you! But I mean about to link a word to another BlogPost. I've already related posts. See this page:*ck-ik-geef-het-op-en-stop-met-de-challenge

I would love to select a word and create a internal link in the Blog management and search trought all posts I've been created instead of typing the full URL in the anchor icon (linking).

A kind of searchbox within a popup to search trought all posts I've been created and just select/click one and it's linked.

Hopefully it's more clear right now. Thanks!

Last updated


Actually this is a would make a great addition. Should also be possible in the richedtior; there you can already link to CMS Pages and Static Pages, specific blog posts is not yet possible.


@alxy Yes I agree! Hopefully somebody is able to extend the RainBlog Plugin :)


i had similar need for a plugin with detailled ressourcs so i proceeded the same way to fill menu links in Rainlab.pages plugin

In my plugin Boot method, i've added listeners for events backend.richeditor.listTypes and backend.richeditor.getTypeInfo that are emitted from []

Hope it'll help

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