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I have a plugin that I call locations, which is primed with thousands of cities worldwide. The data takes days to compile from numerous sources, so for obvious reasons, I don't want to have to regenerate the data each time I initiate a plugin:refresh command to update the plugin. However, I wish to be able to make updates to the plugin, including but not limited to adding new fields to existing tables and adding new tables. As an example, I have the following model definition:

namespace Sokser\Locations\Updates;

use Schema;
use October\Rain\Database\Updates\Migration;

class CreatePointsOfInterestsTable extends Migration

    public function up()
        Schema::create('sokser_locations_points_of_interests', function($table)
            $table->engine = 'InnoDB';

    public function down()


I would like to add the following field to the table definition:


without deleting any of the current data. How can I do this? Additionally, how can I add a new table to the plugin so that it will install on a plugin:refresh, but not delete any of the existing content? For example, the following is an example of my version.yaml file:

1.0.1: First version of locations
    - Create Regions Table
    - create_regions_table.php
    - Create Countries Table
    - create_countries_table.php
    - Create Cities Table
    - create_cities_table.php
    - Create Ages Mappings Table
    - create_ages_mappings_table.php
    - Create Ages Table
    - create_ages_table.php
    - Create Airports Table
    - create_airports_table.php
    - Create Country Currencies Table
    - create_country_currencies_table.php
    - Create Currencies Table
    - create_currencies_table.php
    - Create Hubs Table
    - create_hubs_table.php
    - Create Languages Table
    - create_languages_table.php
    - Create Plugs Table
    - create_plugs_table.php
    - Create Tags Mappings Table
    - create_tags_mappings_table.php
    - Create Tags Table
    - create_tags_table.php
    - Create Timezones Table
    - create_timezones_table.php
    - Create Traveler Types Table
    - create_traveler_types_table.php
    - Create Types Mappings Table
    - create_types_mappings_table.php
    - Create Types Table
    - create_types_table.php
    - Create Continents Table
    - create_continents_table.php
    - Create Country Plugs Table
    - create_country_plugs_table.php
    - Create Country Languages Table
    - create_country_languages_table.php
    - Create City Prices Table
    - create_city_prices_table.php
    - Create Points Of Interest Table
    - create_points_of_interests_table.php

I want to add the tables specified in version 1.0.4, but not affect anything from prior versions? Any hints?

Last updated


Use php artisan october:up instead. That will only update, but not refresh the plugins. It is required to create a new version in the versions.yaml ofcourse, otherwise the system wont know that there are any updates.


Great, thanks for the answer. How can I edit the models so that I can add fields to existing tables?


Migrations can also modify existing tables. You can have a look at the user plugin for an example:

Don't forget to list these migrations (in correct order) in the versions.yaml as well!


Use Schema::table instead of Schema::create in any later migrations that you want to modify a table from. Check the docs for more info.

Last updated


I use this in my create table thingy to discern between varieties. one is for if not exists, the other for if exists.

if (!Schema::connection('exitproducts')->hasTable('exitcontrol_carmanager_region')) {
        Schema::connection('exitproducts')->create('exitcontrol_carmanager_region', function($table) use ($runafterupdate)
                $table->engine = 'InnoDB';
    else {
        Schema::connection('exitproducts')->table('exitcontrol_carmanager_region', function($table) use ($runafterupdate) {
            if(!Schema::connection('exitproducts')->hasColumn('exitcontrol_carmanager_region', 'code'))   {

Last updated

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