Clockwork Developer Tools

Extends browser Developer Tools with a new panel providing all kinds of information useful for debugging and profiling your OctoberCMS website and admin panel

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I use below code in my controller's constructor:


there throw a exception: Class xxx\xxx\Controllers\Posts does not have a method definition for beforeFilter


A bit more info to the above issue: beforeFilter/afterFilter were removed in Laravel 5 in favour of middleware. I don't know a fix for this yet but would love someone better with laravel to chime in :)

Additionally an old version of the clockwork package is pulled during installation because the build bot caches the composer packages. Once installed, you need to 'composer update' to get an L5 compatible build. IMO the composer.json in this package should have specified a 1.x version number, not a 1.* which could include backwards incompatible changes at any time.

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