In the component
{% Component 'MonthEvents' %}
When I go to the default /agenda/
url does not show events.
But when I go to link to the month /agenda/6/2017
, it works.
Anyone having the same problem? How they fixed
this is config
month = "{{ :month }}"
year = "{{ :year }}"
weekstart = 0
color = "red"
loadstyle = 1
title_max = 100
usePermissions = 0
category = "{{ :cat }}"
dayspast = 0
daysfuture = 60
relations[] = "event"
raw_data = 1
descending = 1
Last updated
Add question mark after month and year in URL to make them optional parameters.
Last updated
KurtJensen said:
Add question mark after month and year in URL to make them optional parameters.
agenda/:month?/:year? Yes, I need some more configuration?
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