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I see my storage/temp/uploads
folder is bigger than 4Gb.
And i unable found how to clearing that temporary dir and why is not clearing by default.
October version 1.1.0 build 382
used in resizer
Used also in File class:
In the case with use remote filesystem storage like S3, original image needed to be copied to local filesystem into temp_path:
But i not found solutions for automatic clearing this folder.
Is actual result, that dir contains tonns of megabytes.
Nop. cache:clear
clearing redis or file cache. But is not clearing files instorage/temp/*
$ du -hsx storage/temp/
4.1G storage/temp/
$ ./artisan cache:clear
Application cache cleared!
$ du -hsx storage/temp/
4.1G storage/temp/
A tried create solution, but a think that is needed more research
And i not sure, "what is that": Bug or wrong use case.
Temp files are supposed to be cleaned by the code that spawned them, the ImageResizer cleans up here (, and the File resizer cleans up here:
@LukeTowers ImageResizer and makeThumbStorage method remove temp file - it`s ok.
But getWidthAttribute and also getHeightAttribute methods make local copy of the file downloaded from s3-storage and not to be removed it.
Example stack trace:
I can create bug-report in the github?
No, that's expected behaviour. If it didn't locally cache those files then every single time you rendered a page containing getWidthAttribute or getHeightAttribute you would have to redownload the image and calculate those values. How else would you have that functionality handle remote storage?
Yes. I understand. Repeated download every time it means slow down the page. i have no ideas for resolve this issue. May be i go to write code in lua on nginx and relocate get width/height functinality to proxy server and cached result on site. But i do not have lua-module on proxy nginx server and that is intrioduce biggs complexity of infrastructure.
In my case i interest width/height only the original image. May be, my way - save data of the width/height properties on th custom database model, also need getting this data from remote filesystem without downloaded multi megabytes files. That not public and not production-ready solution. And i think this topic is closed.
May be that is solution for future: User-defined object metadata:
When uploading file to S3 - need save height/wight and other needs-calculating attributes. i got idea from
S3 minio also support metadata api:
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