Storage Cleaner

Scan the uploads folder for disconected files with the database (also help you to backup your project and database).

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Vojta Svoboda
Vojta Svoboda

It's possible to clean storage from backend? For example by dashboard widget? I can't perform shell command at shared hosting.

Douglas Godinho
Douglas Godinho

Actually it is not possible... but it's a cool idea for the next update! I will take a note!

Vojta Svoboda
Vojta Svoboda

You can inspire by ClearCache plugin

Clear cache widget

Douglas Godinho

Douglas Godinho said:

Actually it is not possible... but it's a cool idea for the next update! I will take a note!

Any progress on this? I am looking for web based (file manager) feature clearing of unused images & files data from sql file. I am ready to pay you for adding this feature.

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