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This amazing October CMS plugin will scan the uploads folder, searching disconnected files with the database and vice versa.

Heads up! This feature will delete files from your disk and data in your database.

Adictionally, this script provide a fast way to backup your project. Generating a zip file of your entire project (optimized, of course) and dump your database.

Heads up again! This features require that your php can run the awesome shell_exec and your OS also has the program mysqldump available to be used.


After install the commands bellow will be available:

# storage clear
php artisan storage:clear

# backup you project and database
php artisan storage:dump

# backup you project only
php artisan storage:dump-project

# backup you database only
php artisan storage:dump-database

After install the commands bellow will be available:

# storage clear
php artisan storage:clear

# backup you project and database
php artisan storage:dump

# backup you project only
php artisan storage:dump-project

# backup you database only
php artisan storage:dump-database

Storage Clean command

  • This command will look in your storage directory: storage/app/uploads for files that are not linked to the \System\Models\File entity (which we love so much);
    • Files that have no link will be removed, including the thumbnails generated at runtime (do not worry, they [thumbnails] will be regenerated according to the need);
  • Then will be located the records of File entity that does not have disk files, they will also be deleted;
  • Finally... remove empty folders!

Storage Dump Project command

  • This command will generate a optimized zip of all your project files and plugins;
  • After, you can easily upload your zip at any host, extract them and be happy!

Storage Dump Project command

  • This command will generate a dump of your database in a .sql file;
  • After you can import your sql file wherever you want to and be happy again!


  • Finish brazilian-portuguese translations;
  • Create more translations files;
  • Create a backend interface as shortcut for commands;
  • Found the plugin useful on 2 May, 2019

    The plugin works pre 420. There are two PRs that make it L5.5 friendly but no project seems abandoned.

    Clone https://github.com/wiz-comunicaciones/oc-storageclear-plugin for an updated version

  • Found the plugin not useful on 23 Apr, 2019

    Method Genius\StorageClear\Console\StorageClear::handle() does not exist

    and no fix after 3 years

  • Found the plugin useful on 10 Dec, 2017

    you should do the following first: /usr/local/php/etc php.ini find:disable_functions,and remove these:shell_exec,proc_open,proc_get_status, Then,restart apache: /etc/init.d/httpd restart 

  • Found the plugin useful on 16 Dec, 2016

    Where exactly does it backup your data ?

  • Found the plugin useful on 19 Dec, 2015

    This is one of the most useful plugins for october. It is great for your dev box where you (occasionally :-) get things wrong or wind back a database. Thanks for contributing

  • Found the plugin useful on 13 Dec, 2015

    Great idea. Could be included in core

  • Found the plugin useful on 26 Nov, 2015

    Simple and objective, does what it promises!


Removed .idea and .env from project dump

Sep 21, 2016


Translations for all commands feedbacks

Sep 07, 2016


First version of Storage Cleaner

Nov 24, 2015