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I would like to import files in bulk from another system.
The problem is that the files are stored in a location based on a hash key in the field disk_name
I think this is the code responsible to create the hash:
public static function getUniqueCode($file)
if (!$file) {
return null;
$hash = md5($file->file_name . '!' . $file->disk_name);
return base64_encode($file->id . '!' . $hash);
Is it possible to have the same function in mysql. I found md5 is available and I found a function to have base64_encode availe inside mysql. What is the original $file->disk_name value
Last updated
Can you give a bit more details on where you want to import from and why you would need the mysql md5/base64_encode functions?
Hi Mjauvin, I reveived a table with images linked to hotels from wordpress. I've created a new module (hotelmanager) in October and would like to import the images into october cms system_files table. I've already imported the hotels from wordpress but I also need to link the images.
I would use the Import Export behavior for this.
How many images are we talking about?
If you can get/build a CSV of image name / hotel id and have all the images in a local folder, should be easy with an Import model as I referenced in my previous post.
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