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Bootstrap 5.3.3 Universal Tailor Theme with Dark Mode

Fonts and colors: changes available in theme settings, editable SASS vars compiled on the fly to css

Admin DEMO: https://theme.webbook.page/backend login: Theme pw: webBook!

Tailor "APPs" included:

  • Home page with sections
  • FAQ
  • Portfolio
  • Events
  • Gallery
  • Blog
  • Rainlab Blog enabled
  • Contact Form (BlakeJones Magic Forms)

We are web developers. This template is designed for developpers - and - for customers: to easily edit their content by themself (thanks to Tailor). The template was transformed from our "private" one to share it with you. We use this template as a base of the most of out projects. It is prepared for One-Page presentation, but can be used as well for multisite.


  • Bootstrap icons v.1.11
  • Font Awesome free available
  • Dark mode switching according to user preferences or server time
  • Full-with headers with colored bg option

This template we use everyday, so it is continuously developed. We will appreciate your comments and ideas and will keep them on mind in future versions.

Limited time offer (first 10 purchases) with 50% discount with code: WEB50BOOK

Theme comes with complete "Lorem Ipsum" content with images for Immediate start of designing part of the job (or leave it as it is)

Bootstrap 5.3 Tailor page with Dark Mode

  1. php artisan theme:install webbook.webbook-corp (prepare your purchased theme)
  2. php artisan theme:seed webbook-webbook-corp (prepare the tailor apps)
  3. go to //yourpage.com/install - click install (this will install demo content)
  4. go to /backend/tailor/entries/main_page and click "Save" (this will prepare your homepage)
  5. enjoy your new website (feel free to contact us if any problem...)

If you cannot use command line:

  1. Locate WebBook Corp theme (/backend/cms/themes - Find more themes) and install it
  2. Install BlakeJones Mgicforms (if you want to use Contact form page)
  3. Rename /themes/webbook-webbook-corp/.themelock file to _themelock (Copy of Webbok Corp Theme will appear on /backend/cms/themes/ page)
  4. Use "Seed Content" item on "Manage" button
  5. Rename /themes/webbook-webbook-corp/_themelock file back to '.themelock' (Copy of Webbok Corp Theme disappears)
  6. Activate the theme
  7. Go to your.root.com/install page
  8. Press "install" button (if you want to install DEMO content)

Upgrade info

if you want to upgrade the theme, use following command: php artisan theme:install webbook.webbook-corp - only the upgrade will be done

Your child theme and your data will remain untouched

Important info:

Use your 'chlild' theme for the development

If you want to modify SCSS files directly, you need to copy complete /assets/scss folder to your child theme folder


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