October Appco

Simple Responsive Bootstrap 4 HTML5 Theme

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Good morning. I've installed the theme and then duplicated it (i need to change HTML and CSS), in order not to mess with future upgrades. Is it the right way? I try to change the HTML, both editing the files (in pages directory) and with the October standard editor. I tried also with Pkurg.BootstrapPageBuilder plugin, but it created a mess in the .htm file... I can change the HTML and CSS, i can see my changes in CSM -> Pages. But when i see the site in the browser those changes are gone! What i see in the browser is not what i see in the October editor. What's the problem? I tried also with php artisan cache:clear, but without success. Please, what could be the problem? Thanks in advance. Best regards.



Hi Sorry, I made a mistake, this theme is not designed to work with Pkurg.BootstrapPageBuilder.

And about the fact that you do not see the changes, try changing the theme name in the theme copy in the theme.yaml file.


Make sure theme names don't match.

You can also change the theme name here.


Hi Vladimir, thanks for your quick reply. Yes, i've changed the name. I solved clearing the Twig cache (removing the files on the filesystem). Thanks for your kindness! Best regards.

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