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Hi, apologies for all the threads but im getting an error when trying to set up the footer:
""Undefined offset: 0" on line 425 of C:\xampp\htdocs\arachna-boxingschool\modules\backend\formwidgets\Repeater.php" on line 567 of C:\xampp\htdocs\arachna-boxingschool\modules\backend\classes\Controller.php
Similar to this issue a while back:
Many thanks
dan_gell62806 said:
Hi, apologies for all the threads but im getting an error when trying to set up the footer:
""Undefined offset: 0" on line 425 of C:\xampp\htdocs\arachna-boxingschool\modules\backend\formwidgets\Repeater.php" on line 567 of C:\xampp\htdocs\arachna-boxingschool\modules\backend\classes\Controller.php
Similar to this issue a while back:
https://octobercms.com/theme/support/ketikidis-creator/portfolio-details-2-undefined-offset-0-on-line-398-of-formwidgetsrepeaterphpMany thanks
This is a Octobercms old bug that return with the new version and i will inform them to fixing it. As you can see here:
I can fix it until a new octobercms update addresses it. Just sent me your email and i will sent you instractions and fixed files.
Thank you received the email and applied to creators folder, seems to of worked but not on the social media section. I'm fine with this, however
Many thanks
Many thanks for the email, the social repeater is now working.
The footer top and bottom bar do not seem to be working. I can add features in the backend (Social, copyright etc) but the are not showing in the frontend? Are you able to replicate this issue? Footer items are fine, just top and bottom not displaying.
Many thanks
Latest Octobercms version 2.0.12 fixes all those issues. Please update to latest octobercms version and use unmodified partial files from theme.
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