Material Journal

Material Journal is a simple theme in the style of material design. It can be used as personal blog or journal with several authors. It has a custom template to showcase special timeless elements/information

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I have a lot of content categories and all appear by default in the header-footer menu making it look a bit cluttered. Is there any way I can change that? I want to have only the most important 3 categories in the menu and the link to the page with all the category tiles. Thank you for the help.

Last updated


Thank you for your purchase, initially the theme was not designed for the fact that there will be a lot of categories. Therefore, you will have to do the following steps to achieve the desired result.

1) Go - CMS - Partials - Header/all.htm
2) Edit line 11 {% partial 'menu/category' %} to {# partial 'menu/category' #}
3) Go - Pages- Menues - main menu header-footer. Add the categories you need 

Last updated


Thank you, working :) Now I'll just have to see how custom CSS is added in October CMS, to increase some heading sizes and such and I'm good to go.

Last updated

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