Material Journal

Material Journal is a simple theme in the style of material design. It can be used as personal blog or journal with several authors. It has a custom template to showcase special timeless elements/information

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I installed and activated the theme on the latest version of October CMS, set up three quick blog posts and then previewed the site to receive an exception page with the above error and the following detail line

/home2/alexpitt/public_html/themes/artdark-materialjournal/partials/content/on-record.htm line 121

What am I doing wrong here.


Have you installed all the plugins that are listed on the page?


I use the Project Manager facility of October CMS to install plugins and themes.

The short answer to your question is that - YES - I have at least tried to install the dependencies but they fail during the installation process with a SQL error. This seems to occur on both the SEO Extensions and Content Type plugins. This then prevents other plugins installing through the Project Manager.

Strange thing is that these two plugins seem to at least in part be installed, but I can't really manage them from the backend of the site.


If some plugins are causing you errors before installing other themes or plugins, you can disable them for the time being!

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