Product support

Get help in the theme support forum.

  • Added on Jul 6, 2016
  • Current version: 1.1.0
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by


This theme offers a basic landing page, built on the Pure CSS framework. It is a direct port of the Landings Page layout example from the Pure CSS website and a great way to start with the Pure CSS framework in October CMS.


$ php artisan theme:install pure-landing or just select it during the OctoberCMS installation or install it from the OctoberCMS backend.

Activate the theme

$ php artisan theme:use name

Where name is whatever you specified in theme:install.

After installing

This theme includes three asset files:

  • assets/css/app.css
  • assets/css/app-old-ie.css
  • assets/js/app.js

You can either continue building on them or delete them - it's your choice.

Font Awesome

Font Awesome is loaded from CDN in the default template. If you don't want to use it, just remove the relevant line of code.

IE8 Support

The theme includes IE8 specific stylesheets for the Pure CSS Grid and the theme styling, but these aren't loaded by default. If you want to use them, they can be included using IE8 conditional tags.

Customizing Pure CSS

Consult the official documentation for more information on the Pure CSS framework.


Pure is a CSS only framework and doesn't include any jQuery plugins.

This theme includes the @jquery, @framework and @framework.extras JS assets in the layout file. They can be removed unless you actually will be using them.

Other files

README.md may be deleted.

version.yaml may be deleted.

theme.yaml may be edited (not deleted).

assets/images/file-icons.png may be deleted.

assets/images/icon.png should either be deleted or replaced with a site icon of your own.

assets/images/theme-preview.png should either be deleted or replaced with a screenshot of your final theme.

Consult the official documentation for more information on theme development.


Updated Pure CSS framework to version 0.6.2. Update affects assets/css/pure-min.css, assets/css/grids-responsive-min.css and assets/css/grids-responsive-min-old-ie.css.

Mar 01, 2017


First version of Pure-Landing.

Jul 05, 2016