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Blank scaffold for OctoberCMS which includes Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery and Font Awesome. Built using Less.

Quick install

$ php artisan theme:install krisawzm.blank-bootstrap theme-dir

Replace theme-dir with something fitting to your project.

Activate the theme

$ php artisan theme:use theme-dir

Read the documentation for guidance on what to do next.


Blank scaffold for OctoberCMS which includes Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery and Font Awesome. Built using Less.


$ php artisan theme:install krisawzm.blank-bootstrap theme-dir

Replace theme-dir with whatever fits the site you're building.

Activating the theme

$ php artisan theme:use name

Where name is whatever you specified in theme:install.

Post installation

You can choose for yourself how you add your own styling. My recommendation is creating a subdirectory in assets/less for the project you're building. This theme ships with assets/less/site - keep it or delete it.

Customizing Bootstrap

Customize Bootstrap variables by adding them in assets/less/twbs/custom-variables.less

Choose which Less components you wish to include in assets/less/twbs/custom-components.less


Choose which Bootstrap jQuery plugins you wish to include in the layout file (layouts/default.htm). To minimize the file size, you should only include the plugins you actually will be using.

This theme includes the @framework and @framework.extras JS assets in the layout file. They can be removed unless you actually will be using them.

Removing Font Awesome

  • Remove @import statement in assets/less/app.less
  • Delete directory assets/less/fa
  • Delete directory assets/vendor/font-awesome

Other files

README.md may be deleted.

version.yaml may be deleted.

theme.yaml should be emptied (not deleted).

assets/images/theme-preview.png should either be deleted or replaced with a screenshot of your final theme.

This scaffold also includes the @jquery, @framework and @framework.extras JS assets in layouts/default.htm which can be removed unless you're planning on using them.

Consult the official documentation for more information on theme development.

  • Found the theme useful on 11 Aug, 2016

    Which Bootstrap version is included? You removed the version number from bootstrap.less.

  • Found the theme useful on 12 Jul, 2016

    Thanks, this is great starter theme!

  • Found the theme useful on 21 Apr, 2016

    Thank you sir, perfect base theme ! :)

  • Found the theme useful on 26 Nov, 2015

    Perfect base for projects

  • Found the theme useful on 24 Jul, 2015

    Great starting theme !

  • Found the theme useful on 11 May, 2015

    Great for starting a new projet easily !


Added .gitkeep to empty directories

May 21, 2015


First version of Blank-Bootstrap.

May 05, 2015