Rehomes - Free Real Estate Listing Website Theme
Free Real Estate listing - Bootstrap website template.
Rehomes is Octoberize CMS version of Rehomes Colorlib free HTML Real Estate listing website template with a stunning web design. Instead of starting from scratch, you can now simply download the tool and start using it right away. It's a mobile-ready and responsive themes that comes with loads of different features and goodies that will help you finish completing your page sooner rather than later.
First thing you will notice is the Google Maps integration you can put into practice to display real estate listings. Offer your users to move around the map and find the ideal house or apartment in the area they are interested in. Moreover, if you think outside the box, Rehomes could also work fantastically well as an accommodation platform. The choice is yours; Rehomes is here to help you realize your ideas and create the real estate listing platform that you would like to kick off.
Octoberized CMS version by
Author: Dodo Jaya Raditya | Released: April, 2020 | Lisence: MIT | Email: | Website:
HTML Template
Author: Colorlib | Released: March, 2019 | Licence: CC BY 3.0 (footer credits must remain in place) | Website: | Preview: Rehomes Colorlib - HTML Demo
- Bootstrap v4.2.1
- jQuery UI - v1.12.1
- Animate.css
- Font Awesome 4.7.0
- Magnific Popup CSS
- jQuery Nice Select
- The Final Countdown for jQuery v2.2.0
- jQuery.counterup.js 1.0
- jQuery Easing
- jQuery Waypoints - v2.0.5
- Popper
- ElegantIcons
- Poppins Fonts
- Classy Fonts
- Classy Nav - Responsive Mega Menu Plugins
- Owl Carousel v2.2.1
- ImagesLoaded PACKAGED v4.1.4
- Isotope PACKAGED v3.0.6
- Jarallax (Just Another Parallax)
- WOW - v1.1.2
- Images from Unsplash
Home - Screenshot
About - Screenshot
Contact - Screenshot
Agent List - Screenshot
News - Screenshot
News Detail - Screenshot
Property Sale - Screenshot
Property Rent - Screenshot
Property Details - Screenshot
Document will provide soon.
This theme has not been reviewed yet.
1.0.0 |
Theme initialization @10/April/2020 May 08, 2020 |