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  • Added on Jun 24, 2020
  • Current version: 2.0.0
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
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TabulaRasa Theme

A free, minimal boilerplate theme for OctoberCMS using Tailwindcss.

As of March 2022, this theme is no longer maintained.

I switched to a different stack and I do not follow TailwindCSS developments any more. If you would like to take over the github repository and keep the theme updated, please contact me on githhub.

I created this theme based on my personal needs, I hope somebody else will find it useful, too :-) There are other TailwindCss themes on October - they did not work for me for several reasons, nevertheless I would like to thank their authors for many great inspirations!


  • Maintains modularity of the OctoberCMS - node_modules, and npm install/run executed only in the theme folder
  • Minimal setup, no bloated extras. Just one layout and one basic page
  • Easy to customise colors - all colors are defined in tailwind.config.js
  • No bloatware - just one additional css file to restore minimal formatting
  • Uses laravel-mix
  • Hot-reload for easy theme and site development
  • VueJS ready - just uncomment everything in app.js to add vue support to your app
  • Alpine.js ready - uncomment a partial that loads Alpine.js, and optionally Spruce.js, and Axios

TabulaRasa Theme

A free, minimal boilerplate theme for OctoberCMS using Tailwindcss.

I created this theme based on my personal needs, I hope somebody else will find it useful, too :-) There are other TailwindCss themes on October, however they failed me in several respects:

  • some require adding packages.json and node_modules in the website root (this breaks beautiful modularity of OctoberCMS)
  • some add a lot of bloatware: additional JS and CSS files, extra dependencies etc. I needed a clean TailwindCSS (+ optional, easily removable VueJS for more complex projects)
  • sometimes the October AJAX framework may be useful - therefore in partials/site/scripts.htm jquery is loaded, and additional framework scripts are included. Comment out the whole file if you dont intend to use it.


  • Minimal setup, no bloated extras. Just one layout and one basic page
  • Easy to customise colors - all colors are defined in tailwind.config.js
  • Just one additional css file to restore minimal formatting - see below for details
  • Uses laravel-mix
  • Hot-reload for easy theme and site development
  • Commented-out lines allow quickly adding vue to your app

Theme Options

This theme has no options - developers who need them can quickly add them as explained in OctoberCMS docs: https://octobercms.com/docs/themes/development#customization

Theme Colors

The theme uses a limited color selection. In the file tailwind.config.js you can find four sets of colours: primary, secondary, tertiary and grey, each of them with five variations: lightest, light, default, dark, and darkest.

There is an advantage to this setup - you can quickly change colors in the whole app, just by changing the primary & secondary colors.

If you prefer to use standard TailwindCSS colours, remove the whole 'colors' section from the above file.

Theme Setup

You must first install the theme dependencies. In the theme folder, execute:

npm install

Theme Customisation and Development

In webpack.mix.js replace site name in the following line:

proxy: '',

If you use built-in php/laravel server (php artisan serve), the default value should work for you.

When you run the command below:

npm run watch

you can open your site with hot-reload at http://localhost:3000

Optional CSS: htmlcontent.css (DEPRECATED)

I found it useful to restore basic formatting options after normalize.css removes all formatting, and then I realized that a better solution already exists: plugin for TailwindCSS. It is now included in the theme configuration, you can use class to restore basic formatting - see here for more details.

Production build

Use 'npm run prod' to compile your assets with purge and minimize options.

npm run prod

When you deploy your site, you do not need to copy the node_modules folder! It is a huge folder, over 100Mb, and it is only needed in the development stage. It is utterly useless in the production environment (if you do need that folder in the production environment, you know what you're doing and you can ignore this comment)

Activating vue.js

The theme is ready to support vue - all you have to do is:

  • uncomment the contents of assets/src/js/app.js
  • add id="app" to an outer div in the layout - there is a comment in the layout file to assist with that When you run npm install in the setup phase, all support libraries for using vue will be downloaded and ready to use, but they will not be loaded unless you activate vue in app.js

Activating Alpine.js + Spruce.js + Axios

The theme is alternatively ready to support Alpine.js as a Vue replacement. All you have to do is:

  • in the layouts/default uncomment {% partial 'site/scripts_alpine' %} (replace # with %)

Note: make sure you do not activate both Vue.js and Alpine.js at the same time. Or, if you do, make sure that Vue does not take over the whole DOM - use it locally, otherwise it will conflict with Alpine tags.


Please use Github Issues page here.

Theme License

MIT License - check out LICENSE.md file for MIT license details

  • Found the theme useful on 6 Feb, 2022

    A perfect clean starting point!

  • Found the theme useful on 17 Jun, 2021

    just what I have searched for, including everything I use in regular Laravel. Thank you! ? I am new to OctoberCMS and it seems that some themes are quite outdated. Please keep this one updated. :-) I think many people will appreciate it. Best wishes!

  • Found the theme useful on 30 Nov, 2020

    Hi CJK.PL
    Many thanks for this theme, simple to configure and a robust tool for developping tailwind css based theme.

    Illustrate the "Getting back to basics" Octobercms principal


See read.me for details. Updated TailwindCSS requirement to 2.0.1+. Added posibility to load google fonts localy via npm

Nov 29, 2020


See read.me for details. Updated TailwindCSS requirement to 1.9+. Removed htmcontent css - replaced with Tailwind `Typography` plugin. Use `prose` class instead of `htmlcontent`.

Nov 11, 2020


Updated TailwindCSS requirement to 1.5+; TailwindCSS now supports PurgeCSS internally, and this removes the warning present in previous version.

Jul 29, 2020


Initial release

Jun 23, 2020