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  • ⚡️ It's FAST - 20~100x times faster than Tailwind on Vite
  • ? On-demand CSS utilities (Fully compatible with Tailwind CSS v2)
  • ? Load configurations from tailwind.config.js
  • ? CSS @apply / @screen directives transforms
  • ? Support Variant Groups - e.g. bg-gray-200 hover:(bg-gray-100 text-red-300)
  • ? "Design in Devtools" - if you work this way in the traditional Tailwind.
  • ? "Attributify mode", code like this

    <button class="bg-blue-400 hover:bg-blue-500 text-sm text-white font-mono font-light py-2 px-4 rounded border-2 border-blue-200 dark:bg-blue-500 dark:hover:bg-blue-600">

    can be written like:

    bg="blue-400 hover:blue-500 dark:blue-500 dark:hover:blue-600"
    text="sm white"
    font="mono light"
    p="y-2 x-4"
    border="2 rounded blue-200">


Go to your backend to Settings > System > Updates & Plugins and install the theme Chkilel.Vitewind, then install the following Plugin. (just copy & paste the PluginID below and put it in the search box.)

    - Chkilel.Vitewind

Cannot work without Vitewind Manager plugin, please install it to use the theme.

Theme Setup

You must first install the theme dependencies. In the theme folder, execute:

npm install

Theme settings

Go to your backend to Settings > Vitewind theme, and configure the following settings:

Setting Vitewind

        - Use `.env` configuration  : will use the `APP_ENV` value in the .env file
        - Development               : if you are working on the theme development (`npm run dev`)
        - Production                : if you are in production, the theme must be built before (`npm run build`)

    Port number : Enter the port on which the theme dev server is running (when you run `npm run dev`), default to 3000.

    Theme: select the appropriate theme, if you modify the theme name in the `theme.yaml` file.

Vite config file

  • If you rename the theme folder, please adjust the name [VITE_WIND_RENAMED] in vite.config.js accordingly.
  • If you need many JS files for your layouts, add them all to the build.rollupOptions.input config array to be compiled.
import WindiCSS from 'vite-plugin-windicss'
export default ({command}) => ({
// Adjust the name of the theme
    base: command === 'serve' ? '' : '/themes/[VITE_WIND_RENAMED]/public/build/', 
    publicDir: 'fake_dir_so_nothing_gets_copied',
    processCssUrls: true,
    build: {
        manifest: true,
        outDir: 'public/build',
        rollupOptions: {
            input: [
// Add here all the JS files you need if you load different javascript code in each layout
    plugins: [...],

Layout component

The Vitewind plugin register a layout component to inject JS and CSS assets,manage hot reload in Development and inject build assets in production.

Layout component

Put the component in every layout and set the JS files you need to load for that layout.

Layout component setting


Run the command below in your theme folder:

npm run dev

The theme DEV server will start on http://localhost:3000/ and listen to any modification in your .htm files ( layouts, pages, partials,...). then, you can visite your site on its usual URL and start development.

Note the port of the dev server, if different from 3000 you need to adjust it in the backend settings.

Production build

Use npm run build to compile your assets.

npm run build

Don't forget to adjust the Environment to production in the backend settings.

Theme License

MIT License - check out LICENSE file for MIT license details.


Update dependencies and fix minor bugs

Mar 02, 2022


Update theme dependency

Aug 24, 2021


Initial release

Aug 23, 2021