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This plugin allows to create SEO meta content for multi-lingual websites.

It also generates a multi-lingual sitemap.xml file based on desired CMS pages and others.

CMS pages, Static pages and Rainlab Blog Posts and Category pages are supported out of the box. Custom models can be easily extended. Sitemap functionality is forked from Rainlab Sitemap plugin.

Using the multilanguage SEO component

After adding the component to your layout you need to create the metas for each page.

It supports mapping of model data (using an event) so you can use your current data for SEO purposes without having to enter it again for each page.

You can import and export SEO data to CSV.

Sitemap generator

This plugin will generate a sitemap.xml file based on desired CMS pages and others. The generated sitemap follows Google guidelines for multi-lingual sitemaps.

Viewing the sitemap

Once this plugin the sitemap has been configured, it can be viewed by accessing the file relative to the website base path. For example, if the website is hosted at http://example.com it can be viewed by opening this URL:


You should add this url to your robots.txt file.

Managing a sitemap definition

The sitemap is managed by selecting Sitemap from the Seo plugin menu. There is a single sitemap definition for each theme and it will be created automatically.

A sitemap definition can contain multiple items and each item has a number of properties. There are common properties for all item types, and some properties depend on the item type. The common item properties are Priority and Change frequency. The Priority defines the priority of this item relative to other items in the sitemap. The Change frequency defines how frequently the page is likely to change. Depending on the selected item type you might need to provide other properties of the item. The available properties are described below.


A drop-down list of objects the item should refer to. The list content depends on the item type. For the Static page item type the list displays all static pages defined in the system. For the Blog category item type the list displays a list of blog categories.

CMS Page

This drop-down is available for item types that require a special CMS page to refer to. For example, the Blog category item type requires a CMS page that hosts the blogPosts component. The CMS Page drop-down for this item type will only display pages that include this component.

Standard item types

The available item types depend on the installed plugins, but there are some basic item types that are supported out of the box.


Items of this type are links to a specific fixed URL. That could be an URL of an or internal page. Items of this type don't have any other properties - just the title and URL.

CMS page

Items of this type refer to CMS pages. The page should be selected in the Reference drop-down list described below.

Custom item types

Other plugins can supply new item types. Some are supported out of the box:

Rainlab Pages plugin

This plugin supplies two new item types:

Static page

Items of this type refer to static pages. The static page should be selected in the Reference drop-down.

All static pages

Items of this type expand to create links to all static pages defined in the theme.

Rainlab Blog plugin

This plugin supplies four new item types:

Blog category

An item of this type represents a link to a specific blog category. The category should be selected in the Reference drop-down. This type also requires selecting a CMS page that outputs a blog category.

All blog categories

An item of this type expands into multiple items representing all blog existing categories. This type also requires selecting a CMS page.

Blog post

An item of this type represents a link to a specific blog post. The post should be selected in the Reference drop-down. This type also requires selecting a CMS page that outputs a blog post.

All blog posts

An item of this type expands into multiple items representing all blog existing posts. This type also requires selecting a CMS page.

Registering new sitemap definition item types

The Sitemap plugin shares the same events for registering item types as the Pages plugin. See the documentation provided by this plugin for more information.

Adding SEO data for a CMS Page

Using the multilanguage SEO component

First you must place the Seo component in theme layout head section.

The component has two configurable properties called "prepend" and "append", if you fill them, the content will be prepended/appended to all pages titles. For example, if the page title is "Projects" and the append property is "| Site Name", the page title will show "Projects | Site Name".

description = "Default layout"

forceUrl = 1


append = "| Site Name"
<!DOCTYPE html>

Then you should create a SEO register for every page in your theme. Fill the title, description, (optional) keywords and (optional) image in each language.

Finally, show the metas in your layout like this:

<title>{{ this.page.meta_title }}</title>
<meta name="description" content="{{ this.page.meta_description }}" />
<meta name="keywords" content="{{ this.page.meta_keywords }}" />
<meta name="title" content="{{ this.page.meta_title }}" />

<meta property="og:title" content="{{ this.page.meta_title }}" />
<meta property="og:description" content="{{ this.page.meta_description }}" />
{% if this.page.seo_image %}
<meta property="og:image" content="{{ this.page.seo_image.getPath() }}" />
{% endif %}

Support for static pages plugin

If you use Rainlab.Pages plugin, you can also create SEO data for this static pages. You will need to add the SEO component to the static layout.

Support for Blog plugin

Blog plugin Post and Category pages are automatically supported. After installing the Blog plugin and creating post and category pages, just select the types "Blog Post" or "Blog Category" from the Type dropdown, then select one of the pages and fill the data.

Support for custom models

You can create SEO Data for your own models.

Your plugin has to listen to the following events that Rainlab.Pages uses to build dynamic menus:

  • pages.menuitem.listType event handler should return a list of types of objects that can have SEO data attached.
  • pages.menuitem.getTypeInfo event handler returns all items for a type of object.

An example of this listeners (this code is simplified for this plugin purposes, more data needs to be returned for Rainlab.Pages menu to work):

public function boot()
    Event::listen('pages.menuitem.listTypes', function() {
        return [
            'acme-post' => 'Post page',

    Event::listen('pages.menuitem.getTypeInfo', function($type) {
        if ($type == 'acme-post')
            return YourModel::getMenuTypeInfo($type);

In YourModel the implementation might look like this (this code is simplified for this plugin purposes, more data needs to be returned for Rainlab.Pages menu to work):

public static function getMenuTypeInfo($type)
    $result = [];

    if ($type == 'acme-post') {
        $references = [];
        $posts = self::get();
        foreach ($posts as $post) {
            $references[$post->id] = $post->title;
        $result = [
            'references'   => $references

    return $result;

To see your model SEO on the frontend, you will need to use the component SeoModel in your page:


The property pageType should be the same YourModel property $seoPageType

The property pageProperty tells the plugin in which page property can find your model. It's usually filled by a component on the onRun method:

public function onRun()
    $slug = $this->param('slug');

    $post = new YourModel;

    $post = YourModel::where('slug', $slug)->first();

    $this->page['post'] = $post;

If you already use some fields in your model for SEO purposes, you can map them listening to utopigs.seo.mapSeoData event:

Event::listen('utopigs.seo.mapSeoData', function($type, $reference) {
    if ($type == 'acme-post') {
        return YourModel::mapSeoData($reference);

In YourModel, one possible implementation might look like this:

public static function mapSeoData($reference)
    $item = self::find($reference);

    $seo_data = [
        'title' => $item->title,
        'description' => str_limit(strip_tags($item->description), 155),
        'image' => $item->image,

    return $seo_data;

Extending your own models

A SEO tab with easier access to SEO data creation can be attached to your model. You need to implement the Seo Model Behavior in your model class:

class Post
    public $implement = ['Utopigs.Seo.Behaviors.SeoModel'];

    //required: menu item type that your plugin expects in pages.menuitem.getTypeInfo event
    public $seoPageType = 'acme-post';

    //optional: where to put the SEO tab, default is 'primary'
    public $seoTab = 'secondary';

This code will insert a new tab in your models for previewing, creating or editing the SEO data.

Sitemap generator

This plugin will generate a sitemap.xml file based on desired CMS pages and others. The generated sitemap follows Google guidelines for multi-lingual sitemaps.

Viewing the sitemap

Once this plugin the sitemap has been configured, it can be viewed by accessing the file relative to the website base path. For example, if the website is hosted at http://example.com it can be viewed by opening this URL:


You should add this url to your robots.txt file.

Managing a sitemap definition

The sitemap is managed by selecting Sitemap from the Seo plugin menu. There is a single sitemap definition for each theme and it will be created automatically.

A sitemap definition can contain multiple items and each item has a number of properties. There are common properties for all item types, and some properties depend on the item type. The common item properties are Priority and Change frequency. The Priority defines the priority of this item relative to other items in the sitemap. The Change frequency defines how frequently the page is likely to change. Depending on the selected item type you might need to provide other properties of the item. The available properties are described below.


A drop-down list of objects the item should refer to. The list content depends on the item type. For the Static page item type the list displays all static pages defined in the system. For the Blog category item type the list displays a list of blog categories.

CMS Page

This drop-down is available for item types that require a special CMS page to refer to. For example, the Blog category item type requires a CMS page that hosts the blogPosts component. The CMS Page drop-down for this item type will only display pages that include this component.

Standard item types

The available item types depend on the installed plugins, but there are some basic item types that are supported out of the box.


Items of this type are links to a specific fixed URL. That could be an URL of an or internal page. Items of this type don't have any other properties - just the title and URL.

CMS page

Items of this type refer to CMS pages. The page should be selected in the Reference drop-down list described below.

Custom item types

Other plugins can supply new item types. Some are supported out of the box:

Rainlab Pages plugin

This plugin supplies two new item types:

Static page

Items of this type refer to static pages. The static page should be selected in the Reference drop-down.

All static pages

Items of this type expand to create links to all static pages defined in the theme.

Rainlab Blog plugin

This plugin supplies four new item types:

Blog category

An item of this type represents a link to a specific blog category. The category should be selected in the Reference drop-down. This type also requires selecting a CMS page that outputs a blog category.

All blog categories

An item of this type expands into multiple items representing all blog existing categories. This type also requires selecting a CMS page.

Blog post

An item of this type represents a link to a specific blog post. The post should be selected in the Reference drop-down. This type also requires selecting a CMS page that outputs a blog post.

All blog posts

An item of this type expands into multiple items representing all blog existing posts. This type also requires selecting a CMS page.

Registering new sitemap definition item types

The Sitemap plugin shares the same events for registering item types as the Pages plugin. See the documentation provided by this plugin for more information.

When resolving an item, via the pages.menuitem.resolveItem event handler, each item should return an extra key in the array called mtime. This should be a Date object (see Carbon\Carbon) or a timestamp value compatible with PHP's date() function and represent the last time the link was modified.

Each item should also append all alternate language (including the default language) urls in the array called alternate_locale_urls.

Expected result format:

Array (
    [url] => http://example.com/en/blog/article/article-slug-in-english
    [mtime] => '2018-12-01T14:08:09+00:00',
    [alternate_locale_urls] => Array (
        [en] => http://example.com/en/blog/article/article-slug-in-english
        [en] => http://example.com/es/blog/articulo/article-slug-in-spanish

Example of how to do this in your own models (simplified):

protected static function resolveMenuItem($item, $url, $theme)
    if ($item->type == 'acme-post') {

        $post = self::find($item->reference);

        $page = Page::loadCached($theme, $item->cmsPage);

        $defaultLocale = \RainLab\Translate\Models\Locale::getDefault()->code;

        $pageUrl = \Utopigs\Seo\Models\Sitemap::getPageLocaleUrl($page, $post, $defaultLocale, ['slug' => 'slug']);

        $alternateLocales = array_keys(\RainLab\Translate\Models\Locale::listEnabled());

        if (count($alternateLocales) > 1) {
            foreach ($alternateLocales as $locale) {
                $result['alternate_locale_urls'][$locale] = \Utopigs\Seo\Models\Sitemap::getPageLocaleUrl($page, $menuItem, $locale, ['slug' => 'slug']);

        $result['title'] = $post->title;
        $result['url'] = $pageUrl;
        $result['mtime'] = $post->updated_at;

        return $result;

    return [$result];
  • Found the plugin useful on 13 May, 2019

    The required permits must be handled better, but well!

  • author

    Replied on 13 May, 2019

    You are welcome to make your suggestions

  • Found the plugin useful on 24 Feb, 2019

    Nice plugin, especially for use with models

  • Found the plugin useful on 23 Feb, 2019

    This is a great plugin


Compatibility fixes for October v3.7

Oct 18, 2024


Fix bug with translations in october 3

Jul 28, 2024


Fix sitemap generation for october 3

Jun 30, 2024


Fix for external images (urls)

Apr 03, 2024


getSeoPageType method to override fixed property dynamically

Mar 18, 2024


Allow to remove the append or prepend text in the title of pages with SEO data

Mar 14, 2024


Fixes in demo data import for October CMS 3.6

Mar 10, 2024


Fix bugs in October CMS v2

Mar 09, 2024


Fix sitemaps in October CMS v3

Jan 23, 2024


Compatibility with October CMS v3

Dec 04, 2023


Fix redirect on create and update SEO data

May 23, 2022


Fixes saving in October CMS v2

Nov 03, 2021


Added Russian localization

Sep 30, 2021


Add translations for catalan

Dec 01, 2020


Try to retrieve image from defaults if not specified

Jun 06, 2019


Fix bug with nested categories

Jun 06, 2019


Fix bug model image not showing

Jun 06, 2019


Add a sitemap-debug.xml that renders ok (using https protocol for the namespace attributes) to be able to debug sitemap issues visually

May 09, 2019


Undo last change to fix Google Search Console sitemap fetch issues

May 08, 2019


Fix browser render issue

Mar 12, 2019


Add sitemap functionality

Dec 29, 2018


Fix bug with elements with nested items

Dec 15, 2018


First version of Utopigs Seo plugin

Nov 21, 2018

This plugin is an upgrade of ML Seo plugin, which will be discontinued. An export funcion has been added to ML Seo, so you can export your data, install this plugin, import it with just a click, change the layout component and start using Utopigs Seo.