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Hi community, I've installed simple contact us plugin and updated it to latest version. I've assured that {% framework extras %} and {% scripts %} are in the used layout .htm file, put the component in a contact.htm file. Translate plugin is installed. I think, I've done everything. Form appears nicely.

But submitting the form does not do anything. No message is stored in the database, nothing appears on the messages list in the backend, no e-mail is sent, no redirect is happening and - unfortunatly - there's no entry anywhere in the logs. I've tried to enable or disable the settings in Simple Contact settings page one by one (as clarification on what I've tried so far.)

Am I missing a basic setting or requirement? Please, help!


Last updated


Hi community, I've looked further into the problem - and it seems, that I've produced an error with the ajax framework. Console states: '$.ajax is not a function' in framework.js on line 366. I've put all scripts in the header to test it - and shuffled the order of the scripts for several tests ... but with no result.

My scripts look like this: (without tags - I cannot paste html here)

    script src="">
    script src="">
    script src="/modules/system/assets/js/framework.js">
   script src="/modules/system/assets/js/framework.extras.js">
    script src="SITEURL/plugins/zainab/simplecontact/assets/js/simpleContact-frontend.js">
    script src="SITEURL/themes/wibr/assets/compiled/js/all.js">

Jquery is working, I do some dom manipulation in all.js. What else could I do wrong?

Thx in advance for any help! Anschinsan

Last updated


Problem solved. Anyone with the same error - the solution was to integrate full jquery: instead of



Hi community, i am new to octobercms and want to know that where to place this code "{% framework extras %} {% scripts %}", i have tried to add this in layout file but when i add it shows pop up of code and code doesn't save, need urgent help, Thanks in advance!!

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