Reservations Calendar

Backend calendar for Reservations plugin.

Back to Reservations Calendar Support

Mr Hound
Mr Hound

Hi Vojta,

I think a small update is required to match the parameter category with the one of the reservation plugin.
This update could also include further translations.

In lang.php file add :

    'plugin' => [
        'name' => 'Reservations Calendar',
        'category' => 'Reservations',
        'description' => 'Backend calendar for Reservations plugin.',
        'settings_description' => 'Manage Reservations calendar.',

In Plugin.php file change :

    public function pluginDetails()
        return [
            'name' => 'Reservations Calendar',
            'description' => 'Backend calendar for Reservations plugin.',
            'author' => 'Vojta Svoboda',
            'icon' => 'icon-calendar-o',


    public function pluginDetails()
        return [
            'name' => '',
            'description' => 'vojtasvoboda.reservationscalendar::lang.plugin.description',
            'author' => 'Vojta Svoboda',
            'icon' => 'icon-calendar-o',


    public function boot()
        // Override backend menu
        Event::listen('', function($manager)
            $manager->addSideMenuItems('VojtaSvoboda.Reservations', 'reservations', [
                'calendar' => [
                    'label' => 'Calendar',
                    'url' => Backend::url('vojtasvoboda/reservationscalendar/calendar'),
                    'icon' => 'icon-calendar',
                    'permissions' => ['vojtasvoboda.reservations.*'],
                    'order' => 150,

    public function registerSettings()
        return [
            'settings' => [
                'category' => 'Reservations',
                'label' => 'Reservations Calendar',
                'description' => 'Manage Reservations calendar.',
                'icon' => 'icon-calendar',
                'class' => 'VojtaSvoboda\ReservationsCalendar\Models\Settings',
                'order' => 200,


    public function boot()
        // Override backend menu
        Event::listen('', function($manager)
            $manager->addSideMenuItems('VojtaSvoboda.Reservations', 'reservations', [
                'calendar' => [
                    'label' => '',
                    'url' => Backend::url('vojtasvoboda/reservationscalendar/calendar'),
                    'icon' => 'icon-calendar',
                    'permissions' => ['vojtasvoboda.reservations.*'],
                    'order' => 150,

    public function registerSettings()
        return [
            'settings' => [
                'category' => 'vojtasvoboda.reservationscalendar::lang.plugin.category',
                'label' => '',
                'description' => 'vojtasvoboda.reservationscalendar::lang.plugin.settings_description',
                'icon' => 'icon-calendar',
                'class' => 'VojtaSvoboda\ReservationsCalendar\Models\Settings',
                'order' => 200,

I will send you the corresponding French translation file.

Last updated

Vojta Svoboda
Vojta Svoboda

Hi Mr. Hound, feel free to send pull request and I will merge it as usual :-)

Mr Hound
Mr Hound


With pleasure, but without public repo it will be difficult.

[edit] ... Ho wait, I've got your email.
Send you a patch file asap.

Last updated

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