Reservations Calendar

Backend calendar for Reservations plugin.

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Hi, I have issues with the backend calendar render. I notice that in demo version there is jquery v2.1.3, I have jquery v3.3.1 instead. I tried to downgrade jquery version to v2.1.3 too, but without result. October build is 446. Laravel version is 5.5.44 Can you help me? Thanks

Vojta Svoboda
Vojta Svoboda

Hi, do you have some errors in developers console?


Yes, message is: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'clone' of null at g (fullcalendar.min.js:6) at f (fullcalendar.min.js:6) at e (fullcalendar.min.js:6) at r (fullcalendar.min.js:6) at q (fullcalendar.min.js:6) at i (fullcalendar.min.js:6) at f (fullcalendar.min.js:6) at Pa.e [as render] (fullcalendar.min.js:6) at HTMLDivElement. (fullcalendar.min.js:6) at Function.each (jquery.min.js?v446:2)"

Vojta Svoboda
Vojta Svoboda

Did you do some changes in plugin, some custom scripts? Do you have included jQuery before fullcalendar JS?

Vojta Svoboda
Vojta Svoboda

I'm sorry, but I'm not able to replicate your case. This is my fresh OctoberCMS installation with Reservations plugin and Reservations Calendar plugins:

PHP 7.1.21. October 448 with jQuery v2.1.3 and Laravel 5.5.35.

Mr Hound
Mr Hound


I'm experimenting some problems with this plugin render with this intallation :

  • OctoberCms v455
    • jQuery v3.4.0
  • Reservations v1.1.5
  • Reservations Calendar v1.0.5

I'm getting this error in the javacscript console :

TypeError: I is null

TypeError: rangeStart is null with the uncompressed version.

Error is due to jQuery compatibility, upgading fullcalendar.js to v2.8.0 seems to solve the problem for now !
Maybe a better solution will to update all scripts to latest versions and make call to FullCalendar.js in vanilla javascript. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Last updated

Mr Hound
Mr Hound

AIs there a chance to see this plugin (which is not free) updated!?
It's a simple update.

Last updated

Vojta Svoboda
Vojta Svoboda

I've updated FullCalendar to the version 2.9.1 and it seems to fix the problem. Could you guys please to test it? Thanks

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