Revision History

View all the record revision and revert back to the changes on both - the Record Level as well as the Field Level.

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Hi Saurabh. I've installed the module. I have my revision histories working for the model. When i click on the "Revions" button in the list i get "Object not found! Error 404"

I think there is maybe a problem with the Routes.php ? I have reset my backend url to "backend" but it makes no difference. Do you have any idea how to fix this? I have build 448



Quick update: It seems the routes.php file is primarily for frontend and API support. In your plugins/saurabhdhariwal/revisionhistory/models/revisionhistory/partials/_content_column.htm' i changed the code to <a href="<?= Backend::url('saurabhdhariwal/revisionhistory/revisionhistory/revisions?id='.$record->id.'&modelName='.get_class($record)) ?>" class="btn btn-default btn-xs">Revisions</a> and this fixed the routing issue.

Last updated


Hi @dave22269,

I'm unable to replicate the issue. Would you please provide me the screencast of the whole scenario? OR just generate the PR for your changes against my repository [ i.e.]


Hi Saurabh, thanks for the plugin, quick and usefull way to manage the versioning of contents.

I have got the same problem of dave22269 (fixed in the same way for now) and also a most critical one: In the backend if I open the "CMS" section I get a ReflectionException.

Class Saurabhdhariwal\Revisionhistory\Components\MyComponent does not exist /var/opt/www/ideatorio/docs/ideatorio/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php line 752

can you check it out please? Thanks


guglielmana34864 said:

Hi Saurabh, thanks for the plugin, quick and usefull way to manage the versioning of contents.

I have got the same problem of dave22269 (fixed in the same way for now) and also a most critical one: In the backend if I open the "CMS" section I get a ReflectionException.

Class Saurabhdhariwal\Revisionhistory\Components\MyComponent does not exist /var/opt/www/ideatorio/docs/ideatorio/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php line 752

can you check it out please? Thanks

Hi,thank u a lot for this plugin! But I have same problem of dave22269 and fix this too. About error - in Plugin.php we have return [ 'Saurabhdhariwal\Revisionhistory\Components\MyComponent' => 'myComponent', ];

but this plugin don't have Components.


For avoid error on CMS page - u need to comment in Plugin.php this:

return [ 'Saurabhdhariwal\Revisionhistory\Components\MyComponent' => 'myComponent', ];

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