Clear file cache

Cllear file cache button for the dashboard

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Alexander Romanov
Alexander Romanov

Can you give me more info? In what directory is the cache?


for e.g. /storage/app/uploads/public/ and in this path located folders with uploaded data for e.g. 555/32d/90b and in 90b located thumb_ prefixed images ( this images is cache for resized images ( for example if i change size from 100x200 to 200x400 then old images won't removed )

Alexander Romanov
Alexander Romanov

Update to 1.1.0
If you have any ideas to improve the widget, I'm always happy to implement them :)


Hello Alexander, Great plugin but I believe there is a small issue with the 'Delete Thumb' option

Outputs this error : System cannot find this path...

Looking at the ClearCache.php the delThumbs() points to a non existent directory. $iterator = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator(storage_path()."/app/uploads/public");

My thumbs are being cached within storage/tmp/public

Alexander Romanov
Alexander Romanov

Sorry for the late reply. October has not sent me a notice :(
Update to version 1.1.1 and in widget settings write the path to the directory with tumbs. (In your case /tmp/public)


Thanks. Done :)

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