Clear file cache

Cllear file cache button for the dashboard

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hi, i'm trying to render a form in a modal that has file upload form widget. when i choose a file it will be rendered on the form but as i click on that file for edit or delete it throw this error : "A widget with class name 'formFiles' has not been bound to the controller" on line 517 of /opt/lampp/htdocs/imis-lawyer/modules/backend/classes/Controller.php my createForm function is like this:

public function onCreateForm()
        $dashboard_id = post('dashboard_id');
        $level_id = post('level_id');
            $dashboardModel = Dashboard::find($dashboard_id);
            $config = $this->makeConfig($this->levelManager);
            $config->model = new \Imis\ProcessManagement\Models\Dashboard;
            $config->arrayName = 'Dashboard';
            $widget = $this->makeWidget('Backend\Widgets\Form', $config);
            $this->vars['widget'] = $widget;
            $this->vars['dashboard_id'] = $dashboard_id;
            $this->vars['dashboard_model'] = $dashboardModel;
            return $this->makePartial('levelmanager/level_manager');
            return $this->onShowPassed();

and config file for file upload is: files: type: fileupload mode: file

any body knows what's the problem!? Thank you.

Alexander Romanov
Alexander Romanov

Hello @saleh.asadi.work19498 .

Your question does not apply to the Clear file cache plugin. Unfortunately, I now do not have enough time to help you. Try to describe your problem on the forum. There you will find solution much faster.


Alexander Romanov said:

Hello @saleh.asadi.work19498 .

Your question does not apply to the Clear file cache plugin. Unfortunately, I now do not have enough time to help you. Try to describe your problem on the forum. There you will find solution much faster.

Hello, I don't know why it's here! Thank you.


Alexander Romanov said:

Hello @saleh.asadi.work19498 .

Your question does not apply to the Clear file cache plugin. Unfortunately, I now do not have enough time to help you. Try to describe your problem on the forum. There you will find solution much faster.

Hello, I don't know why it's here! Thank you.

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