
A plugin for discussing published content. Features email reply notifications and a reload free posting experience.

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Nice to meet you. I am Japanese and I am developing OctoberCMS. I will send English sentences using translation. I'm sorry if I was rude.

I bought your wonderful plug-in "Comments" today. Since comment does not move, I will ask you a question.

I would like to post comments on dynamic pages, It is added under the page created by "Builder" plug-in.

The URL of the page you want to put is "/match/score/:slug".

Your document I referred to "Comments as a relation / URLs with slugs". Setting field settings did not work, "External Relation" can not be selected.

Here is the setting of fields.yaml

plugin:            label: builder            placeholder: Rebel59.Comments model:            label: report            placeholder: Rebel 59 \ Comments \ Models \ Comment;

Can you help me?


Hi! Thank you for contacting us.

Unfortunately, we have not tested the plugin with Builder made plugins, and we do not have the time to this at this time. We have tested the latest stable version of October, which seem to work with external relations.

Can you confirm that you have added the relation of the model to the settings tab? domain.tld/backend/system/settings/update/rebel59/comments/settings It's not entirely clear if you have done this.

Maybe a simple solution could be to record your efforts and show us what goes wrong. (youtube, vimeo etc). Or otherwise provide a repository in which you are using our product.

Again, Builder was not part of the scope of this project and we do not have any experience with it, as we tend to favor control over speed. I'm sorry we can not be of more help at this time, but if you can give more information we can always try!


Thank you for your kind reply!

I made a setting from the URL you taught today. domain.tld/backend/system/settings/update/rebel59/comments/settings But I can not find a model. The site can not be seen with the error saying. Probably I think there is something wrong with the setting. (The setting is now canceled.)

Currently, we normally reflect Comments from components, There is a problem that you can not write comments.

--Dynamic pages adapted to Comments


Even when there is time I can appreciate advice.


You need to fill the settings tab manually. You can not choose any from a dropdown. Say you want to add comments to the rainlab blog plugin:

Rainlab.Blog and Rainlab\Blog\Models\Post.


Thank you! However, I could not write comments even if I did it exactly. Even adding components to the page using Rainlab.Blog was useless.

Are there other possible causes?


It is regrettable without reply. I bought this Comments plugin, but I regret it. This time I programmed myself and made a comment function. Thank you very much. goodbye.


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