
A powerful October CMS Blog plugin. Boost your SEO with robust blogging tools by Radiantweb.

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Since the update my entire blog was out of order, I had to debug it to find a solution quickly because no one could access my blog posts anymore.

The first problem was to change the default.html for the bloglist component by removing "SELF." at line 5 which gives :

 {% for post in blogPosts %}

The other problem was the proBlog Post component not showing any post. I had to change 'Post.php', the default variable post that does not exist (anymore ?) :

class Post extends ComponentBase
    public $post;

I still have some problems with the categories that appears inside the proBlog List component ("Posted in category"), the link is not valid anymore...

I hope it helped others.

Best regards, Pascal

Last updated


Concerning the categories, I changed the default.html for the bloglist component for the line concering the categories (line N°20). From :

<a href="{{ __SELF__.postRender(post.parent)|page({'filter': category_slug,'slug': null }) }}/">{{ category_name }}</a>

To :

<a href="{{ blogCategoryPage|page({'filter': category_slug, 'slug': null }) }}/">{{ category_name }}</a>

But maybe it is because I have a special configuration. Hope this will help. Pascal

Last updated


Ok, I looked things over and made a small change to the blogList view. I opted to default the category link to each posts 'parent' page wherein ~/category/slug-name/ should render all posts of that category. I am open to suggestions. I gather everyone might have differing needs and may simply need to create custom views or direct import the code to partials. But it does seem to me any post should be going under a page that has a blogList component. That is an assumption, we will see. Again, open to suggestions.

Last updated

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