hi! i have setup the blog exactly as you have indicated in your document and video, but the url of the post only shows it's self (i.e., http://my-blog-post). and i have selected "blog" as the posts "parent blog page". any help would be appreciated.
if you look at the url field of your parent blog page, does it look like this?: /blog/:filter?/:slug?/
Also, in your problog settings, have you set up a page in your site that will render the posts?
yup, it does.
i did exactly what you did in the video and documentation. i spent 1.5 days on different permutations to make sure that i was not doing something wrong.
ah—i found a setting in under: "backend/system/settings/update/radiantweb/problog/settings" that says "Select A Page That Will Display Individual Blog Posts" this is not set to anything. not sure if it should be.
Ah—got it working with the setting "blog/post" in my problog settings. now just have to get it to do 2 blogs
yes, you should have two "pages" in your CMS. One for blog lists, and one for blog posts per the second section of the documentation. The first should have the /blog/:filter?/:slug?/ params, and the second should have the /blog/post/:post_slug/ param. (/post does not have to be under /blog, but it does appear nicer in my opinion.)
After you have these two, then go to your problog settings area and set the display/ender page to the second "post" page in your CMS.
yeah—totally missed that in the documentation. now need to get multiple blogs function. do i have to create 2 categories under "backend/radiantweb/problog/categories", then set the filters in my "proBlogList"?
You can just add a second parent page and make sure it has /:filter?/:slug?/
Then when you post just make sure you chose that page.
hmmm, i'ts a bit hard to get 2 blogs up. not very intuitive.
what i want to do is have: blog/en/:filter?/:slug? and blog/br/:filter?/:slug?
any tips
That's easy. Just make /en and /fr the pages you posted to and then on each of those place a blog list block. Not really sure why that's "un-intuitive".
no, you'd have a /blog folder. and then an /blog/en page and a /blog/fr page. then when posting set either of these as the posts parent page.
@ChadStrat you need to delete the "/" in links
< h3 >< a href="{{ blogPost }}/{{ post.slug }}/" >{{ post.title }}< /a>< /h3>
< a href= "{{ blogPost }}/{{ post.slug }}/" class="btn primary" >» {{ 'Read More'|_ }} a>
OR setting "blogPost" make with some parameter, as in your case my prefixes "en/" "jp/" will not work
Last updated
"Also, in your problog settings, have you set up a page in your site that will render the posts?"
Might be good to add that to the documentation. That tripped me up for a few minutes.
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