
A powerful October CMS Blog plugin. Boost your SEO with robust blogging tools by Radiantweb.

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Hello, I can not figure out how to customize the page output from the blog. There is some strangeness. I create a blog page and first add the proBlogList component to the / blog address I see the teasers of my blog entries. Next, I need to change or add some elements to the blog entry display page. But I can not. If I add the proBlogPost component, then my page with teasers becomes an error 404


Hi Jaans. You shouldn't need to add the post component. It should just work if you have "the posts parent page" under 'Rendering' section. (assuming the parent page of a post is in fact the page it is showing up within a list) this method assumes you are styling the default ProblogPost view.

If you are instead wanting to render by a specific page, that page cannot be also mapped to "/blog" due to the params mapping. So simply renaming the rendering page "/post" should do it.


Thank you for your answer, but I still did not understand much. Do I need to create a separate page to display the blog post? and there insert a component outputting the contents of the blog post? then how can I issue url, could you explain to me how to do this via Skype? my nickname in skype jaaans


Whether correctly I understand that in options proBlogList in section rendering I should specify not a blog and the page displaying a conclusion of record from a blog for example I will make blog / post and there I will insert a component ProBlog Post but then I do not understand as in line url at a component proBlogList that there to prescribe?


thanks a lot I figured out I made a separate page displaying the blog post and in the component pointed out the rendering of this page and it all worked

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