
A powerful October CMS Blog plugin. Boost your SEO with robust blogging tools by Radiantweb.

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Hi, thank you for the great work! I have a little problem with all components... I tried to create posts, category and tags and the backend works very well. All records are write on database and listed in my october panel, but... when I put a component in a page (front-end)... nothing. It only stamps static content, seems that it doesn't find any DB data. Unfortunately, no error message appears. Can you help me please?


how do you have the component set up? Where are your entries posted under? (what page?) Your question is very vague. bare in mind please I donot know anything about your sitemap. Did you follow the documentation?


Hi, my settings is almost the same of this video: My "proBlogList" is include in a "blog" page, like "proBlogTags" and "proBlogCategories". My "post page" i have called "artigo" and I have put "proBlogPost" component. For now, I don't want toI want to use partial or custom component. Before that, I'm interested to understand how your plugin could be settings and works.

Yes I tried to follow your doc but is very simplistic for a complex plugin like this. And there is no information about errors and/or there is no visual feedback for some custom settings. Your images and your video refer to a previous (very different) version. So, unfortunately, I have some difficulty to describe my problem with more details.

Last updated


The documentation is correct and up to date. Add some posts under a “page” in your site map, add a list component to that page and filter by that page and then set the rendering “parent”. That’s it.


And thanks for the bad review while I’m on a 14 day holiday with my children. Appreciate it.

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