Let's say I click this link: /news/category/uncategorized/
Then all category links will turn to: /news/category/uncategorized/category/uncategorized/
Not sure why/who would do that? why would you click on a navigation item, then click on the same link within the post? but that is a bug and I added the following to line 20 of the default blogList view for next push:
{% if blogCurrentCategorySlug %}
<a href="{{ post.parent|page() }}">
{{ category_name }}
{% else %}
<a href="{{ post.parent|page() }}/category/{{category_slug}}/">
{{ category_name }}
{% endif %}
Last updated
If you want to keep all post list pages simple and consistent you could keep the category links – but the main point is that it's a bug. Do you have any bug tracking system I could use to report future eventual bugs?
Last updated
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