Hi guys, great plug-in! We are a team in Newcastle Aus that is trying to adopt October CMS for all our projects. We just purchased this plug-in today and we've all been playing with it. One thing I can't get working is the Bluemix NLP tab on blog posts.
Looks like the service has changed to IBM cloud, but i don't know what service i need to sign up for or put into this plug-in to make it work.
Can you guys help us out? Cheers! Evan.
Last updated
Bluemix == IBM cloud. Did you try following the step by step instructions in the ProBlog documentation?
Hi Chad, yes I did follow the instructions and added my username and password from credentials in my Natural Language Understanding instance. However when i click on the "SEO Optimizer" tab on a blog post I get "TypeError: content.replace is not a function". in the console. Any ideas?
Last updated
So I just tested with IBM Cloud Bluemix Uname and Pword with ProBlog v5.0.4 and OctoberCMS v434 and tested both editor types. I'm wondering if you are using a different/custom WYSIWYG editor than the standard OctoberCMS editor?
Hi Chad,
I created a fresh install of October, and i've got the following plugins installed:
- Builder
- Pages
- Form Builder
- Backup Manager
- SEO Manager
- ProBlog
However i'm still getting the JS issue when clicking on that tab. As far as i know i'm not using a custom WYSIWYG. I am on localhost. Would that cause the issue?
I just tried this live on a test domain and the problem persists, including on firefox and chrome. Do you want a login to the test site to check for yourself? I can't seem to work this out.
Cheers, Evan.
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