
A powerful October CMS Blog plugin. Boost your SEO with robust blogging tools by Radiantweb.

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Would it be possible to add isset() checks to the filterFields() method in Post model?

public function filterFields($fields, $context = null)
        $user = BackendAuth::getUser();

        if (!$user->hasAnyAccess(['radiantweb.problog.access_problog_can_publish'])) {
            if (isset($fields->published)) {
                $fields->published->hidden = true;
            if (isset($fields->published_at)) {
                $fields->published_at->hidden = true;
            if (isset($fields->user)) {
                $fields->user->hidden = true;
        else {
            if (isset($fields->published)) {
                $fields->published->hidden = false;
            if (isset($fields->published_at)) {
                $fields->published_at->hidden = false;

I am extending this model to add repeater fields to the blog content, but errors are appearing when repeater fields are added as the published and published_at dont exist.


I don't mind looking into it. But would you mind sharing a video or images of how your using repeater?

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